The PROBLEM with TRIALS LOOT (Ruining Crucible?)


The PROBLEM with TRIALS LOOT (Ruining Crucible?)


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#Destiny2 #SeasonofTheRisen #WitchQueen
❆ Content in this Video ❆
0:00 – Preview
1:03 – Ironsight Segment
1:48 – The Problem..
8:47 – Live Commentary with the Scout Rifle
17:58 – Outro


36 thoughts on “The PROBLEM with TRIALS LOOT (Ruining Crucible?)”

  1. yea I've played d2 about 2 years,and from the beginning I saw d2 as a pve game,and kinda wondered why pvp in the game?.then I got into the pinnacle grind and realized it seems to be in d2 to give more pinnacle,and a small bit of different modes.but yea,I've never looked at d2 as a pvp game tbh,I mean there's not even an eSports d2 scene.and I actually don't enjoy pvp at all,except for the loot I can get.however,I to believe that d2 pvp needs love,I probably will not get hyped for any possible pvp TLC,like at all,but there's plenty of d2 players who literally are asking for nothing other than pvp attention,which imo,bungie can afford(especially now after Sony bought them)to improve pvp,there not asking for anything else,or bitching about pve anything,they just want the part of pvp ,that they have to pay to play(trials) shown some love.and tbh,they deserve it.d2's pvp community is full of truly loyal people,they have been loyal all this time,payed to play,and gotten very little for the mode they love the most.the least bungie can do,is repay that loyalty with some pvp content.thats my take anyways.good luck out there guardians!👍✌️

  2. I got pretty the same roll as yours, I’m not a pro, I like pvp and pve, and I managed to get this thing in the adept version with perpetual and multikill/adagio. When I go in pve I run armorpiercing rounds with multikillclip and big ones spec, when I switch to pvp I put on adagio with ricochet rounds and adept range, this thing is tremendous in both game modes and it has become since a couple days my new favourite purple primary

  3. Brother…don't roast it and say you're not really here to roast it. Both perks are shit and need to be called out for being that. Ffs…in d1 having the adept weapons coming with snap shot as an intrinsic perk was so much better than this crap.

  4. I'm still upset of the length of time in which we have gone without a Crucible map. It's ridiculous. They're teasing a new one… But is it just one? One Crucible Map after 3 years (this excludes reissue from Destiny 1) is beyond ridiculous.

  5. My take on PvP as a PvE player but decent PvP player:

    Overall, I think Trials (as a mode) is in a good place right now, sure there are a few outliers in terms of meta and sure the matchmaking could be changed but I am fine with Trials as is in terms of how you progress and how you obtain loot. As for the loot of trials? Yeah no. Reed's is a novelty gun when it is only slightly better than the other in-slot options such as Threaded Needle and Cataclysmic, which Cataclysmic will be getting an Adept variant later in the season with Master vow. Summoner coming back is a cool touch, but it's *coming back*, not new. The Aisha's Embrace is a decent scout but overall, in terms of PvE scouts are just not in a good spot except for a few, all of which are Kinetic, the 3-tap fttc roll is a gimmick, and there are better void energy weapons (Funnelweb). The only reason to rock it this season is for AB scout if you're in a void-heavy strike or lost sector, but even then the Vouchsafe exists and got an easy way to farm in the HELM, and has better overall perk combos that aren't just gimmicks. In PvP, any scout named Dead Man's Tale is gonna get shit on by guns effective at the same range like DMT or Messenger. I know there was a wave of Contingency Plan last season, but it has since died down because DMT is just better, easier to use, and has a cooler power fantasy (which alone is why Hand Cannons will never be unpopular, space cowboy is the reason to play destiny in the first place).

    Normal PvP is very lacking right now, no new maps since Shadowkeep with Vostok and Eternity returning from Year 1 which is nice. I'd like to see more maps like Emperors Respite back though. The reward structure is laughably bad, but I am sure this will be remedied when they push Shaxx and Zavala onto the same system Drifter and Saint use for "focusing". The PvP rewards themselves feel very lacking in most content. Frozen Orbit is the only gun I'd consider worth using of the PvP weapons. Stars in Shadow was up there but then the BxR came out and ruined it. New modes would be nice, or even bringing back old modes like Countdown. New maps and bringing back older maps. I'm to a point where I'd rather play on firebase echo than anomaly.

    The one thing I do disagree with in the video is the lack of new perks this season. We got crafting and enhanced perks, which alone are all very new. I know the system itself leaves a lot to be desired but as most things in Destiny, it will improve with player feedback. Bungie has already acknowledged that crafting is too tedious and 99% of enhanced perks feel useless, so iit'll probably be addressed as the Witch Queen cycle continues. We also got the following new perks: Steady Hands, Chill Clip, Successful Warmup, Turnabout, Compulsive Reloader, Focused Fury, Adaptive Munitions, Tilting at Windmills, Stats for All, Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object, Bait and Switch, and Sleight of Hand. Most of these ARE PvE perks but there are a few PvP perks, mainly Successful Warmup, Steady Hands, and Compulsive Reloader.

    Edit: Forgot to mention Origin Traits in the Perks section, if you can count them. They are a new system and add a little bonus to some guns.

  6. "I only will get widows court 1/10 times". proceeds to ask editor to put in widows court game play. 😂 love it. on a serious note. I completely understand and agree with your point of view.

  7. You hit the spot frosty i agreed 100% with you , for some reason anytime bungie adds a new weapon to game is always a side arm, scout rifle or some bs weapon archetypes ( 390 pulses) that nobody use !

  8. I remember back in Destiny 1, the Trials loot felt amazing and was highly desirable. Going flawless made me so excited each week because I had that chance at getting the exciting gun I wanted as a PvP player. Now when I go flawless, I just kind of shrug and don't really care. None of the loot is very exciting. Igneous was exciting, but after the nerfs to 120s (which was probably needed), it was no longer exciting. I don't necessarily need OP guns to drop from thr flawless chest, but highly competitive guns would be nice. Blind Perdidition (Adept) was the most exciting drop I ever got from going flawless and that was back in D1.

  9. Absolutely do not what Glacier Shield said if we start getting better weapons for people in trials then what you can get in the game it'll be even more one-sided in regular PVP. What we need is the YouTubers that are hogging the runs for content to get on and then get off so that the average Joe can make it all the way to Lighthouse, I mean seriously there's only one reason to get the lighthouse and that's because their weapons and armor that we all would like to have..the 2.5 KD players are ruining the neighborhood . They should be bracketed, a1.6 will never get there (UNLESS CARRIED) and now there banning share accounts 🙄 so you can't pay your way thru 😉

  10. Do you have like a DOT on your screen cuz you hardly ever aim LOL. you're like a (good) halo player shooting from hip and getting headshots….lol I know it's from years of practice just giving you sht..

  11. Trials is dead just like Osiris matchmaking doesnt exist and cheaters still huge problem so kill it off like Osiris noone enjoys the game majority only play for the guns and have no fun doing it

  12. Trails is terrible went flawless plenty of times but honestly your just a power ranger jumping and sliding it's really ruining the game … And yet you still get paired with same people match after match I really wish destiny would remove pvp from the game never seen such a unstable character with powers and unbalanced weapons be able to hold comp game weekends and you can play all weekend with ransoms and never win such a waste of time… For what, one weapon 7 games 5 rounds a game a min u can make it all the way to 6 and get randoms that never played but your just suppose to take the L smh what a waste of life and money… This is what they want more hours played and some shit that never will add up or give back anything near the worth of the time you put in… Like a said garage . If u like destiny and been playing it for years you should know it's 80 pve if u come to destiny just for pvp that not fair their are tons of games that r pvp every game don't have to be the same and this is falling right in line with something u put on the rack to dry…

  13. I crafted a rapid fire pulse with perpetual, high cal, ad junkie and a range mw. Am I going to chase this pvp end game scout? Probably not lol. I’m not too thrilled with the trials loot either.

  14. I think the biggest offender here is that it has literally been years since the last crucible map was released, to my knowledge. All of these are valid points tho as well.

  15. Think you’re wrong Reed’s Regret. Mine is heating-up/vorpal with adept target adjuster. It snags headshots like crazy at base and once heat-up is active you can at the belly and still get a headshot. Any buff you get will make this linear capable of one shot to the body. It can also headshot supers and when you pull heavy you 5 in the mag in all mods.

  16. NOT MY OWN COMMENT BUT YEA THATS HOW PVP PLAYER GO N WHY WE DONT GIVE A FU ABOUT PVP. GO PLAY COD '' Pvp players don’t want to play, they want to get in teams and pubstomp solos. Bungie had great rewards and cosmetics in yrs 1-2 but really good players didn’t want to play each other so predatory carries and gatekeeping took over. For this game to have good pvp and good pvp rewards, elites need to stop farming the average to bad players forcing them out after 1 week of a season. You want the top pvp weapons and gear you have to be ok with playing each other. Otherwise it turns into a moneymaking exploit''

  17. So what pve players should stick to only pve and the same for pvp? You’re acting as if all weapons acquired in pve activities don’t belong in pvp and vice versa for pve. That’s absurd. Bungie knows what they’re doing as far as the loot is concerned so how about you leave that up to them and just use that loot for entertaining streaming. There’s more than enough good weapons acquired from pve activities that work very well for pvp it only makes sense that some pvp acquired weapons stand out better for pve activities. It doesn’t matter where the loot is acquired as long as it keeps players engaged in the content. Stick to what you’re good at and leave the decision making to Bungie. They’re doing just fine at it without your arrogant input.

  18. They sacrifice unique attributes for balance… like all fun things in this game it usually dies because of pvp balance and bungies refusal to balance separately still plagues this game

  19. There are 2 problems I have with trials and regular crucible, the first is the weapons that are now in the game. There are so many sprays and one tap guns and stuff that instantly kill you, the crucible and Trials are supposed to be games of skill. And the skill disappears when people use tracking guns or weapons that one tap like shotguns and fusion rifles, guns like these remove the need to put effort into your kills. And I know that you have to charge up fusions and get close to use shotguns, but they still one tap and have ridiculous range. And you can’t compete against them unless you use them. I prefer to use guns where you put more effort into kills, and they are balanced and don’t overrun the crucible.
    The second problem I have is the screwed up match making, I’m not the best player in the world but I can hold my own and dominate matches when I need to. But I am more of a solo player, and I keep getting put with trials sweats in regular control and six stacks. It’s not fun being put against all main ingredient and felwinters lie users, and trials if match making is f**ked too. I know there is freelance but I always get put with lower levels or new lights. Whilst the opposition team is all flawless and running one tap shotguns and fusion rifles, and the skill gap is massive.
    Personally I think the crucible and all weapons drastically NEED a rework or a tuning, and bungie needs to have a massive look into this problem.

  20. Let's be honest if anybody played D1 and D2 they've literally never cared about PVP ever except for like a couple months in the beginning of trials in d-1


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