The Secret of the Dark Side of the Moon – We Are Not Expected There!

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25 thoughts on “The Secret of the Dark Side of the Moon – We Are Not Expected There!”

  1. There is no "dark side of the Moon." There is a far side of the Moon though, the side that is always facing away from the Earth. Both sides, the one we always see and the far side we don't, experience day and night.

  2. Oh no…yet another one talking about « conspiracy theory » . Let’s be serious, there are millions of aliens who don’t believe in humans !
    Go and tell them that we are a « conspiracy theory »

  3. There is an old satellite picture of the moon that i came by where you can actually see some kind of shiny metal structures looking like massive pipes in one of the many craters in the picture.
    I have used Ai software to enhance it furter and it is certainly some kind of metal because it has a shiny surface, and those of you that have seen massive blank pipes on earth would instantly recognize how a pipe reflects light compared to a flat surface.
    NASA was in over their heads when they published their massive amount of pictures before carefully investigate and air brush every single one, but now afterwards they just take them down from the site instead and blame solar rays,communists,hallucinations or solar rays or communism 😄

  4. At the beginning they show the moon rotating Moon does not reading rotate only enough so you never see the other side, like the Democrats they always keep people in the dark


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