NEW Fae Farm Update! Over 70 Changes!

The new Fae Farm 1.4 update is out with TONS of changes! Let’s talk about it! Full patch notes: …


20 thoughts on “NEW Fae Farm Update! Over 70 Changes!”

  1. Thanks for all your help with understanding this new game!

    One thing I noticed for me was I bought the snowy outfit year 1 from the festival and can't find it anywhere in my inventory.
    Also the rareness of the mountain critters is wild! I've been hunting for hours and it's taking me forever to land a lucky find for the Job Quest.
    Other than that I think that's all I've noticed so far. There's still a critter that looks like a flame in the mountains that I've never seen despite finishing the storyline.

  2. Finally I can pick that wild red chard that's been stuck next to the sign post in my farm now if they could also fix the portal in the Fae Acres, I've got two mushrooms permanently stuck there.

  3. Thanks for the info Jade! Maybe now I can have fruit trees without so much struggle. Even with your help, I was having a terrible time getting them to propagate. I'm happy to see the marriage changes as well. Somehow or another, I went on a date with Nmamshall (spelling?) and suddenly he was my spouse. Done. No wedding, no nothing. It was kind of funny really. Take care Jade, and many thanks!!

  4. Thanks for all your amazing videos! I’m very pleased to see that the devs are working on fixes for this game. The pause during storage/inventory was a no brainer to start with, so it’s good they did that. Pausing the game during construction or decorating would be SO helpful. If you want to spend any time decorating your farm or the house it eats up entire seasons. 2 game years to hybridize all the flowers. I once started a day changing around the stuff in her house and when I got done moving furniture around and fussing with colors it was time for bed. She never even left the house that day. How dumb is that? I wish they would listen to the community about slowing the game day as well. In order to play this game you have to just not care about time at all, otherwise it’s too stressful.

  5. I noticed the differences with the update, but one downside is that the music and background now sound HORRIBLE. I liked playing with that soothing music now it sounds like my Switch is underwater!

  6. Please help me …. Im trying to find feyrite to upgrade my net because im trying to catch blobs because i have to make fairbreath potion . And i cant use the net i have now it keeps telling me my net isn’t strong enough.. please help me .. and your videos are awesome by the way . Thank you


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