After Bark Episode 14 – The Furry Fandom Ice Burg

Come say hi and hang out while we discuss the episode!


4 thoughts on “After Bark Episode 14 – The Furry Fandom Ice Burg”

  1. For a Halloween episode… favorite werewolf/monster movies maybe? I'd say furry themed horror movies but I only know of one furry slasher movie called Lone Wolf… it's pretty bad but yet I haven't forgotten it, there's a decent movie hiding in it to the point if I won the lottery I'd be half tempted to try to buy the rights just to try to remake it and improve what I thought were some good ideas the filmmakers had.

  2. To each of you:

    -Prof. Ruby, thank you for answering my question so that I may better understand our subculture.
    -Misha, I sent you the thing.
    -Solis, I hope you had a nice time on vacation. You deserve some rest and respite after everything that’s happened.

    In general, Renamon 💛


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