Change your Life, the World & End War. Understand how you Create so you can Un-Create the Undesired.

The Guides speak to how we are creating the manifest world around us. It all started by me being curious about an image I received of a decaying building and what I understood was no one’s energy is focusing on it anymore, so it’s being dismantled back to nature. I asked if they could talk more about that idea and they brought through a lot more than that including an energy transmission to support you in being more of your Divine self to support the creation of a new world. So enjoy their message.

– – – – CHAPTERS- – – –
0:00 About the video
00:43 Channeled message begins
00:57 About the image they gave me
01:29 How physical manifestation is created
03:02 How physical form is uncreated
04:30 How we create with our thoughts
05:36 How we’re creating as a Collective Humanity
06:53 Why their are still ruins of old civilizations
07:27 How we can change our reality and earth
09:16 Why are they sharing this now?
10:03 How to end War
11:32 What you can do to end War
13:57 Energy Transmission Starts
17:31 Energy Transmission Ends
17:41 Like, Subscribe & Share – Thank you!

Symphony of Light I – $4.44
Symphony of Light II – $12.77

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“…Now you might wonder why this is important, why do we share about this right now? Why is this important to you? You are going through a major shift in consciousness. You are evolving as a species.
Things that you see around you will be transformed, will be made new. Things will collapse and why will they collapse? Or why will they no longer be, say, 50, 75 years from now? Because new decisions will be made through the thoughts and desires of the human collective to no longer support certain behaviors, certain ways of Being. For instance, War is on its way out.You may think that that’s a crazy idea for warring is very present in your consciousness right now. But humanity has decided to move away from it. Slowly but surely through your conscious intention, through your unconsciousness. Little by little as new beings come on this planet who will not agree to war, as you who are the wayshowers and leaders of light are not focusing your intention on war, yet focusing it on peace, on love, on knowing yourself as one with your brothers and sisters of humanity one with the Earth and all of its creations, you move your focus to create something new. And you have the opportunity, dear powerful Creator being, to do this consciously. Now, more of you can choose to do this now. And this is why your thoughts, where you place your focus, in every now moment, of every day is so important. Because you are creating it whether you know it or not through where you’re placing your intention. Are you holding war in your existence, are you holding war through watching it on your television sets? As you continue to focus on it, you are directing your creative energies to maintaining it on your planet. And we are not saying to pretend that it’s not happening, but we are saying that as long as people are spending their time focusing their energies on things you do not want, they will continue to be out pictured in the manifest world around you. The times are changing like we said, there are new generations coming in who will not hold war, the fear in their systems any longer.
They will not tolerate what has been tolerated for thousands of years. …”

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