Nov 2 – Why Couldn’t This U. S. Navy Destroyer Tender Lock Radar On UFOs?

TOPICS: Why Couldn’t This U. S. Navy Destroyer Tender Lock Radar On UFOs?

October 31 is now the annual due date of UAP reports
– “Many Military UFO Reports are just Foreign Spying or Airborne Trash” – NY Times

Firsthand testimony from “John Smith” about UFO experience
– Quartermaster on USS Samuel Gompers AD37 in the Indian Ocean
– “Contacts were there..and then not there”
– “lights of multiple color appearing and not appearing.”
– “CIC…unable to track or lock onto targets”
– “ordered not to discuss it with everyone”
– “made to sign documents we would never talk about the incident”
– “we see it..and it’s gone”
– “they were not being hostile”

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31 thoughts on “Nov 2 – Why Couldn’t This U. S. Navy Destroyer Tender Lock Radar On UFOs?”

  1. For those of us who CAN’T subscribe, could this weekly Earthfiles you tube show contain more NEW information and not so much cross-promotion or discussion about prices of books or spruiking please? We just want to know about the et/ufo phenomenon. Thanks Linda and Ian.

  2. Given the weapon system it had onboard at the time. It’s likely that it wouldn’t be able to track it if it was further than 4 miles away and at that range it definitely would not lock on. Those older point defense systems were not designed to do that.

  3. I saw a UFO a white Orb in the sky and I thought it was a plane but then it stopped mid air and starting flying backwards and then it stopped again and shot up into the Sky faster than Light it hyper jumped into space 🛸🌌

  4. It has to do with vibrations and Frequencies you can only see the UFO on camera because the cameras frames per second and pixels of pictures and videos it takes can match the vibrational Frequencies of the UFO and pick it up on camera. THE UFOs Resonate in and out of our physical reality by changing it's Vibrational Frequencies

  5. I think that the purely physical camera behaves according to physics , and so records the physical evidence, but the human mind can be befuddled into not perceiving what is right in front of the eyes.

  6. The word "Govern' means control. I don't know why everyone, who is here already knows the truth, is so adamant about the governmen, known liars, manipulators bent on only control and power, tell us anything. Why do you want a liar to tell you 'the truth'? Will it ever be 'The truth'? no, it won't. You already have the answers….we are the power.

  7. I have come to learn that some of the ships that come close to our world are literally made out of light and nothing else. Most all or all, as far as I know, that are not of human creation are multi-dimensional.

    It seems to me that the tragedy of this encounter is the stupidy of the humans involved. My decade of expeience in the military showed me conclusively that common sense and enlightenment are not military virtues. Cardinal military virtues are cruelty, stupidity, shutting up, and doing as you are told.

  8. Here is a sighting made in the Fall of 2020. I was visiting Arizona and was staying in a rural dark sky location.
    No clouds, black sky. Between 10 pm to midnight. Duration of sighting was only a few seconds.
    I went outside for a short walk. The street lights were small and not very intense.
    When I looked at the Lyra constellation in the Summer Triangle I saw a white light. It looked like a star in a dark night but it was moving very fast in a straight line. It was cutting triangles in the sky.
    But when it traversed a side of a triangle it immediately changed direction with no apparent change in the speed.
    It was making the sides of irregular triangles a few time and when it finished
    the object made an extremely fast shot off to the Western sky. It did so and disappeared in a fraction of a second.
    I know of no craft or natural object other than a UFO that can do this kind of motion.

  9. Here is how an object can glow.
    Say the triangle in the sky is a metal skinned craft.
    Maybe it has parallel lines of conductive and alternating nonconductive lines covering the entire surface.
    An x-ray machine like we would use in a medical CT Scanner would need a Silicon grease to prevent the high voltage leads of the x-ray tube from arcing in the air. These leads could be at over 125,000 volts direct current.
    I do not know if this is part of an anti-gravity system or maybe just to
    advertise the presence of a UFO.
    Sort of hey, look at me!
    You would think if someone was smart enough to do anti-geavity then they could be stealthy if they wanted to.

  10. The camera sensor is a semiconductor device. These could be of an array of millions of transistors in an array.
    They mimic the retina of the eyes animals have. The transistor can respond to photoelectric generation.
    Photons are not only of the visiblelght spectrum. They are in wide frequency bands. As radio waves, audio waves,
    and all those other frequency bands.
    So photons hitting the sensor cause microcurrents in the millions of transistors. Thereby an electronic image is made. But the photons coming off a spaceship may be outside our visible frequencies the retina can register but in the range that the camera registers into photoelectrons in the transistor array.

  11. Call me a pessimist, but I do not think that opening the knowledge that we — this earth — is being visited by other worldly beings will have the effect of unifying humanity. Not in and of itself, anyway. Humanity has some things to work out. Of course opening this knowledge will/would have a tremendous impact long term. But I don't think it will bring us to our knees in awe and make humanity suddenly get along peacefully. I mean — the colossal atrocity of Hiroshima is not enough to cause us to eliminate the spectre of nuclear weapons and nuclear war. Clearly. Finding out that there are other civilizations, non-earthly civilizations, might be very disturbing for some, but it will get absorbed and become part of the hum-drum like everything else that is extremely important and just gets lost in the barrage of information inundating our daily existence. It'll become just another thing to bicker over and try to grab for and turn to some greedy billionaire's advantage. And who's to say that hasn't already happened?

  12. I shared a photo of a ufo i took. (Came by accident, i wasn't trying to take the photo). It was with a local talk show. The topic was ufos. Anyway. After that, none of my correspondence was taken seriously. So i know first hand the stigmas ppl place on you. It's to make themselves feel superior. Pathetic.

  13. I'm not sure how hearing about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of UFO reports will do ? As in 1975 My self, Three Friends, and Hundreds of others had a Massive Saucer about 200 Yards wide was witnessed ! The six o'clock news reported it as a plain carrying a advertisment Sign, we were mad as hell ! 👽✌️

  14. Until the science deniers are buried this disclosing of life outside this planet will not happen. We are burning books, what makes anyone think things will change for the better.

  15. With the radar that they have you can only get a signal from the objects because they're moving so fast they move faster than your radar dish rotates, with the Spy one and spy 6 radar you could keep real time tracks on these objects, and I know the Navy is watching them, and they have the ability to turn on and off visually radar, they actually did it to a rb47, loaded with electronic warfare equipment, they were visible to the pilots and the radar and the ground radar and when they disappeared visually it disappeared off a radar so you're only seeing them because they want you to see them they they telling you that they are there

  16. I've been abducted numerous times over a period of a few years, had interactions with Grey's, and tall blonds that look like us. I've been on ships, and have seen ships at night over my house. This was a time 30 years ago and I was deep into meditation practices, and believe my higher state of consciousness attracted these extraterrestrial beings to me, even though I didn't give much thought to the subject before the contacts began. I am no longer being contacted.
    The Government has been covering up the reality of extraterrestrials and using the media to lie and downplay the whole phenomenon. I hope the whole truth comes out, but I'm not holding my breath.


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