Tiktoker Girl Trapped On Top Of A 2000-Meter High Column WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER


34 thoughts on “Tiktoker Girl Trapped On Top Of A 2000-Meter High Column WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER”

  1. Reminds me of an ex-friend who forced me to cross the wet, slippery bamboo bridge hanging by a cliff just to be her photographer for her social media accounts.

    Lesson learned. Get rid of those people. It will definitely change your life.

  2. The question I still have is:
    Did Becky put that bulb back when she finished charging up her drone, or do we see next week's in the news "a plane crashed an old rosty TV-tower at night" ?!

  3. This is making me have flashbacks when I went climbing castles in Turkey. One of them had a ladder across the rocks not bolted down or anything just casually there like you would use blocks and a few sticks across for a bridge as you played blocks as a kid. I went across and the wind picked up making it shift side to side and rock with my weight as it almost tossed me over the side. It would have killed me for the fall. The castle was NOT worth it I’ll say that much 😣 then I had to cross the same way back. After this to climb down you couldn’t go the same way you came up which I don’t remember why, I was 7 at the time so my older brother who came down to visit us or up I guess; put me in his shoulders to go down the footpath was literally a footpath the width of a foot was off the edge of the mountain no equipment just free climbing down. Safe to say I’m now TERRIFIED of heights as I had a LOT more encounters like that while there. Didn’t discover my absolute terror until I was about 12/13 and it only got worse since then. I DO however like zip lining but most anything else with heights is a major no go. I tried to get over my fears awhile back at a sky zone but it was only made worse as doing that almost made me have a MASSIVE anxiety attack going up the telephone pole once past a point you can’t go back down as easily I got to that point and had to jump off. I jumped and it doesn’t engage right away so you free fall for a few seconds before it catches. My legs would NOT hold me after that I was so shaky and my grip was IORN on that line. Safe to say my bladder released but I had the foresight to go beforehand so nothing came out. I have some cool photos at least but I will NOT be doing anything other than zip lining EVER again for at least a few decades


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