The Jury Has Decided…You're Bad At This | Ink Master's Fan Demand Livestream

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29 thoughts on “The Jury Has Decided…You're Bad At This | Ink Master's Fan Demand Livestream”

  1. Am I the only one that felt like the blind “master vs apprentice” was just crazy off, I disagreed with most of their calls. They focus so much on the outline but ignore some really great values and form, color and saturation on some. Just felt super inconsistent all around on that one.

  2. (For me, they were after that poor guy called KITO!)

    If was me I would snapped because of that entitled Cu.t, which looks more like a 5 years old toddler than anything else at (03:22.07) till (03:28.20)!
    Or she's is a real entitled cu.t who was there only to chase claut by fuckin that poor guy's (KITO) "life" or she was putted (payed) there by the organizers (show) to create drama and with that fuck him and send him away from the competition!
    One thing is certain, after everything that happened there (at that time with that toddler) I only see is, both the organizers (Jury), as well as the other tattoo artists who saw how she behaved and of course all the other canvas also should be ashamed of themselves because they had a disgusting behavior, and just to eliminate a competitor! Really really disgusting! 🤮

    No one, I say no one in his/her sane mind and being a tattoo artist, ever tattooed that disgusting woman in your tattoo store. I repeat, no one would tattoo that disgusting woman, the most certain was to put her out of the store, but only after being smaked on that entitled and Narcissistic smug face for sure!

    Really feel sorry for that guy (Kito) and the that POS did to him!
    You do not need to be a a piece of garbage of a human being to compete with others. You only show you're true shity character and nothing else! 😡

    Sorry for the poor English (grammar)!


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