The BEST and WORST Heroes in the Overwatch 2 Beta

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26 thoughts on “The BEST and WORST Heroes in the Overwatch 2 Beta”

  1. I find it hard to believe the Support role might be ""too good" when 27% of Supports are in your lowest tier compared to 7% of DPS and 0% of Tanks. To me, it feels like Support is the only role that lost options as fewer heroes and playstyles are viable and the role got no new/reworked heroes to compensate.

  2. Supports literally ruined overwatch 1, to a shit game, All you support mains crying to each other because your ass asf, get good or change roles shitters

  3. Supports have considerably less protection than overwatch 1, this game is pure flank which punishes the lack of movement or escapability of support characters. Bring back 6v6 and slow things down pls

  4. Support are strong, but since it's a beta with lot of new stuffs, everyone is scattered around and for support it's hard to get our job done and get helped/rid of the flankers. I feel like we should wait until the release of the official PvP before talking changes for support. At this point, everyone will be a little bit more serious on their gameplay and somewhat coordinate with the team depending on the ranks

  5. I think Brig is a "D" if you play her like in OW1 basically a offsupport that peels and groups up with the team.

    She is a "B" if you play her as a quasi-offtank and just feed your DPS engagements, she's incredibly tanky with the passive healing and catching someone offguard on a flank route you're usually going to win; and if you're just running around with your reaper beating the shit out of people there's huge value in that

    For example I'm playing on Toronto, I notice a widow, I bunny hop and shield over to her, she can't do anything about it and even if she lands a hit on me my passive heals it the moment I shield back up; and just like that I'm in her face forcing a grapple which I can cover with my shield slam and continue to harass her all game

    Now if you are playing with a lucio with your brig you literally just run people down, several games we just legit spawn camped people with brig and lucio because the passive healing is immense and it takes quite a bit of pressure to pull them off targets with no CC.

  6. What about the actual things making support actually suck? Like janky hit boxes and hit detections (Genji dash: for instance), the smallest hero pool to pick from, certain DPS bullet sizes and damage fall off, crowd controls coming back (mostly used against supports), supports like Brig, Ana, and Zen don't have any skill/movement techs, supports are slower than everyone (minus over tuned Lucio which gives an increased speed to the already speed buffed DPS), server issues, controller support, half the DPS classes take low to no skill, majority instant or almost instant kill ults, and the new maps have so many flanks you have very limited ways to escape (if you can escape the DPS speeds and stray bullets). Does everyone just think supports sat in the back and threw a heal when they felt like it in ow1? Is that what you think supports are complaining about? Supports were actually OP in OW1. Now they have the worst job, it's almost completely thankless because tanks think they are invincible and just throw, DPS feed without shields now, and you get blamed for it as support with 30 pings of "I need healing" from your (for instance) Doomfist or Pharah who is half way across the map trying to fight a DPS and Mercy pocket alone. Supports now rely an absurd amount on the people we used to carry. We rely on players who aren't used to playing a peek or 1v1 play-style, or hiding behind shields or shooting down long and safe distances or following behind a brig being forced to lead coward tanks. This "Supports have just been lazy until now" or "I didn't get a new toy" attitude is ill thought out and you content creators should be ashamed thinking that one of the most dedicated player bases (supports) would be over reacting about such shallow issues.

  7. Holy shit the amount of support players crying in the comments lmao, the 1 sec passive regen is a huge deal and it means you either 1clip them or are forced to chase and they have time to group with the team, you also act like this is the definitive build of the game and not a BETA, you are getting your shiny new toys eventually for the love of god stop whining

  8. Alright, here's the rub:

    Why is it that Tanks and DPS are allowed to be self sufficient now, but Supports aren't?

    This isn't about 'new toys' or heroes being given reworks over others, it's about the fundamental structure of the game being being entirely different and both tanks and DPS have been given updates to their kits to coincide with that. Meanwhile we are bringing old supports, built for the old format, into a new game that (unsurprisingly) doesn't treat them kindly. The skill ceiling has raised so high and in a way that is wholly unfun to play unless your a higher mobility support with that can escape the enemy team constantly gunning for you. (this time with no frontline/peel to protect you) And if you are playing a low mobility support, like Zen or Ana, you either have to hit all of your shots on the person attacking you or just get melted.

    So either OW2 gives supports the resources to SUPPORT THEMSELVES or the role will remain the least played, because right now Support in OW2 is in the same position as Tanks in OW1. (ie. borderline masochistic unless your playing with very specific heroes)

  9. If OW1 has taught us one thing, is that Support players will never stop bitching about their role being underpowered while Blizzard just ruins the game trying to cater to their every "need". First Mercy wasn't good enough, so they buff her to oblivion giving us Moth meta, then they have too much flankers on them, so Blizz creates Brig lanching us into GOATS meta, now this apparently still wasn't enough so Blizz gives us a character with immortality ability, great heals, dps that can rival a dps, and mobility and we're playing double shield now. Now they have these options with the unique ability to have consistent healing and they're out here complaining about survavibility???? You guys are weak af, if you're not playing Zen you definitely have all the tools you need to survive in fights

  10. I agree that healers are strong it just currently feel like the team go off in several directions right now. I think its just like with origanal overwatch and everyone relearning the game and rediscovering playing as a team.

  11. Hey everyone I'm a gold tank main but I play almost only support in ow2, I've been reading all of these comments and it made me see how different the experience is cross rank. Where I'm sitting I can play Ana and have a blast, the ability to sleep Flankers, heal from range, and anti enemies or boost my teammates heals, I really feel like I control the match. The gameplay also feels more active and keeps me on my toes, which is exactly what I like.

  12. To be fair, Brig currently has a shit ton of bugs in OW2. Getting locked after a shield bash where you can't turn unless you drop your shield first is a big one. Then there's her self healing not kicking in. Her shield not registering as up, meaning you get shot through it and die super quick. The new maps have way too many obstacles and cause her AOE healing to be cut off pretty consistently. Her knockback isn't working like it should be either (although Whipshot knockback not working correctly is a thing in OW1 as well). Whipshot will randomly have the lag it had with launch Brig. She should be pretty good in this new brawl style, but because her nerfs from OW1, she just can't hold her own without a second tank to backup.

    And don't get me started on the garbage which is Rally. What a massive nerf. She might as well not have an ult at all.

  13. The only one I disagree with here is how high he put Rein.

    Shield gets melted and he doesnt have range. One more firestrike doesnt make that much difference.

  14. While tier lists are all for good fun and everyone loves when someone does a tier list to spark debate…OWL has proven this to be a pretty bad take as Winston/Zarya alone have proven to be S tier. I think the beta isn't that good of a judge anyways when you have bronze going against masters in a quick play setting. setting


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