Paul Rosolie & Joe Rogan On The Devastating Impact To The Amazon Forest From Illegal Gold Mining!


39 thoughts on “Paul Rosolie & Joe Rogan On The Devastating Impact To The Amazon Forest From Illegal Gold Mining!”

  1. I wish the human race would stop being so destructive, and begin to view the life of an elephant or whale, rain forest as a precious treasure. The problem is that a primitive primate species is still addicted to money, power and fascist bullshit made to control the masses called religion. I hope these primates someday use their brains to protect and improve this planet instead of making weapons and making money?

  2. If BLiar, Gates, Schwab, Khan and Greta Thunberg want to something decent for the planet then instead of bemoaning carbon dioxide, pushing poisnous jabs and promoting lockdowns…why don't they heavily campaign for the notion of protecting the Amazon? (and I don't mean making more billions for Jeff Bezos & Co.)

  3. Ya can’t honestly even blame the ppl doing this because when your in severe poverty and have no way of simply feeding your family…this is sadly what they resort to.

  4. Why do people constantly talk shit about western people who live away from society, like the amish for example, but feel this need to admire and kiss the ass of any other group that isnt western that doesnt embrace society

  5. Guess who are those that pretend to be the Amazon savior? Yes the Americas and European are the one who finance the chaos. They are the one who buy the tree logs and mine the gold and diamond.

  6. So a devolping country? Retards act like trees and grass don't grow back. Got to get rid of hundreds of years of rotten logs. Aztec and Incas had "the jungle" cut back exactly the same.

  7. Screw climate change, overfishing, and pollution are the worst thing our planet faces right now.

    I'm a conservationist conservative. I hunt and fish and understand the importance of it to our world.

  8. If the arrow was flying straight to his eye and he moved to the side, how is that he has that scar in that pattern? The scar should be horizontal, and it's vertical, like if it was thrown from above or like he was with his chin up looking up and if he was looking up how did he saw the arrow to deflect it?.

  9. Humans are the most disgusting and vile species ….a cancer to this planet. We've single handedly destroyed the only planet that supports life in the known universe … not just for our species but every other living thing…. and we call ourselves intelligent 🤣🤣🤣🤣 best joke ever told.

  10. Every country has medicinal plants 🌱 🪴 Here in the U. S. The Rockefeller family made all that “witchcraft “ and everything outside was poisons so they could push the Pharma drugs. Stopped the teaching of it to the children and we all know. It only takes one generation to loose the knowledge forever.

  11. Funny to see someone so based on Joe these days. Capitalism is why the Amazon is turning to a dessert for gold. Capitalism corruption and destruction driving thousands to USA southern border.

  12. Honestly, I think all this logging is a cover-up, and then they're also profiting from the resources.

    You have Orellana, who went with his expedition and re-found the Amazon in 1550. He reports having found a civilization there after his expedition had been travelling for some weeks. Some estimates put the size of the city at between 9-20mil people. Orellana returns to Spain, probably told the King and the Catholic Church what they found. Nobody goes back to the Amazon until sometime 50-60 years later. They never found the civilization again, and the area Orellana reported it was found to infertile soil. A civilization couldn't have been there. I think this part is a lie.

    I reckon the Vatican sent people to eradicate the civilization in those 50 years. There's pottery shards all along the river Amazon. They arrive with a small party, understanding more science than the Amazonians. Poison their water supply downstream. They start dying before they even know they're under attack. People dying drinking the water. Crops dying and the soil is being ruined by whatever it is. They stay to starve. Then the Vatican party go and clean up. No survivors, smash their stuff and throw it in the Amazon to be washed away. Burn the city. Raze it to it's foundation. Salt the earth so survivors can't rebuild. Don't let anyone come back for 50 years so the forest grows and covers what was there.

    Then the logging now is them combing and searching for more evidence of past civilizations to destroy. They're hell-bent on making sure we have no way of figuring what the fuck came before us, and there was clearly something probably before even Christ had arrived.


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