Is Palworld a Pokemon Ripoff? | Screen Rant Article Review

Gotta give kudos to this one to be honest.

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29 thoughts on “Is Palworld a Pokemon Ripoff? | Screen Rant Article Review”

  1. Personally, even if it was a Pokemon Rip Off (which i don't think it is), i wouldn't care because Monster Taming is lacking on Console (Excluding Switch, talking Xbox and Playstation). Glad i'm on Xbox as the 2 games i'm hyped for the year (I'm talking all games), is Palworld and Cassette Beasts and if i was a Playstation user, i would be upset.

    I still feel Coromon would have done well on Console like Nexomon but was missed.

  2. I think games can be recognised where they evolve (pardon the pun) the monster catching genre. To my mind, tem-tem is a little like pokemon in a mirror. Compare that with cassette beasts (infinitely better game) which actually changes the formula up, whilst keeping some similarities.

  3. Getting so sick and tired of people calling anything a ripoff of another thing, especially when they're comparing indies. That argument is outright shit and heavily outdated af

  4. Pokemon WISHES its trailers looked as good as PalWorld. Glad this game continues to get more coverage and looks better with time in spite of there being a rampant Pokemon shill in the comments of videos of it calling others a "sweet summer child" ad hominem trying so desperately to speculate that Game Freak who "ripped off" its ideas from Dragon Quest games is TOTALLY gonna sue PocketPair with lovely sources like "Dude, trust me"

  5. The beauty of monster taming games is that there's usually more to them than just "oh, it's Pokémon". Personally, I like when mon games feel familiar, but make improvements and changes that push the boundaries of what a mon game can be.

  6. I feel like the only way to stop people from thinking Pokémon owns the genre is to keep making more MT games. If people see there's more of an ecosystem of these games they'll stop assuming that.

  7. I'm keeping a cautious eye on this. Something about the style and everything tells me that this has the potential to be good at best and an extreme flop at most. I don't know what it is, just a weird gut feeling…

  8. I dont see in any way that this is a pokemon clone, i see an ark clone, but instead of dinosaurs its catchable creatures. I'm very excited for this game, i think a lot of people can agree that we've all been waiting for an open world survival monster taming game

  9. So they can take the likeness of a pokemon and not get in trouble? There's a few that are almost direct clones. To me I didn't get "parody" I got lazy design. I also don't know the legalities but to take the likeness of something and make money off of it is a murkey area and idk if I'd even risk it. I know the company said they are in the clear but at the very least it rubs me the wrong way. I don't even care about pokemon too much. I do want more companies to take this genre in the gaming world, but some of these creatures (excluding whooly he's far more different in this game than some of the others I've seen) are almost exact. At the very least, it gives the "Just change a couple of your answers so the teacher doesn't know you copied me" vibe and I don't think it's a good look. But as I said, I didn't take parody. I took lazy design.

  10. As someone who has played Pokémon since red and blue first came out over here, no most of these are nothing like Pokémon outside of the monster catching. Even then not always. I mean even on steam it is known as creature collector now so why can't they just call them that?

  11. I get tired of titles reading "rip off," especially related to Pokémon. That said, I do enjoy watching videos reviewing what's wrong with those articles! 😅


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