Schumann Update 1/8

Today as we received another massive oush of new energy, the Root is being activated. You are being asked to consider if you are allowing your expectations of the life you thought you would have to keep you from being happy with the one you do have. Choosing to be happy on purpose is totally a thing, friends. โค๏ธ#humanschumann #schumannresonance #intuitive #lawofattraction #ascension #1111

The Schumann resonance is a measurement that tracks the electromagnetic frequency of our planet within the ionosphere. This energy, circling as a wave between the ionosphere and the earth, bumps into itself amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves. The discovery of these resonant waves was made in 1952 by W.O. Schumann, a German physicist, hence where the Schumann resonance gets its name.
In simpler terms, we donโ€™t live on the earth, we live inside it โ€“ in a cavity of sorts. This cavity is created by the connection of the surface of the earth to the ionosphere that surrounds our planet. Everything within that area, namely energies and frequencies, can be influential to the earthโ€™s inhabitants (
Each daily report posted is my own intuitive interpretation of HOW this energy affects us as vibrational beings, NOT the cause of the energy, and how it will affect the collective consciousness of the Awakened Collective. Many of us feel this energy the day before, the day of, or even the day after the actual activity. This is all highly personal, resonating differently depending on your own energy and frequency level. Those of us who arenโ€™t as affected arenโ€™t doing anything โ€œwrongโ€ or โ€œbadโ€, some energies will not affect everyone. Be mindful and use discernment when seeking any intuitive guidance, taking what resonates with you and leaving the rest for someone else.
To schedule a private reading with me, please visit:


30 thoughts on “Schumann Update 1/8”

  1. Hi Erin, you are really a breath of sanity! Oh my Goddess!, that was a 24 hour Zinger!
    Human Shcumann: if you are sleepy, please rest. Itโ€™s how we are upgrading and activating through our DNA. Some of us, may need more rest and thatโ€™s completely okay.
    Love is the carrier wave that unifies us all and levels the playing fields. I can see other unified fields and have an awareness that they exist within our shared multiverse.

    If we unify in love as a collective, it will keep us from flying apart, individually and as a planet. Everybody now: โ€œLook in my heart and let Love keep us togetherโ€ฆโ€ Anyone focusing their attention on Love โค๏ธ as their go to, default emotion will be running the strongest carrier wave that can be stacked! Letโ€™s try 12 phase, instead of 3 phase. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Itโ€™s a big change over.

  2. Happy Monday!! I heard in my spirit just now, โ€œweโ€™re just working out the kinksโ€ which is really funny for me because my neck, shoulders, and back have been feeling like a question mark. Lol. I agree with the veiled card. Every time I try to get insight for the future, I only get back just be. I did receive yesterday that a lot of foundational work is taking place in me which will be necessary for whatever is coming. Maybe someone can relate? Much love and blessings โ™ฅ๏ธ

  3. No wonder I was all purgey again this morning!!! And I ๐Ÿ’ฏ relate to the expectation thing. I literally always thought I would be a teacher but my life took a much different path. I have been regretting that as of late, but even more recently had the revelation that I was meant to take this โ€œotherโ€ path for many reasons. So yes, I DO know what youโ€™re talking about ๐Ÿ˜‰
    You and your messages always resonate with me and I am so grateful! โค
    Have a great day!!! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Thank you Erin for this inspirational message! All my hopes and dreams are way more clear and I am moving forward overall! Have a great day friend! We love you!๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’œ

  5. Yes – all will work out! When I was a teen my grammie taught me to be content in ALL things – not satisfied – but CONTENT ~ always strive to improve but to enJOY and be happy with where I am – Source has shown me that – "ALL is well – ALL is in Divine Order – ALL is surrounded by LOVE !! I am grateful for you Erin! Blessings to you for a most awesome week! ๐Ÿ’–

  6. I have a question. Today, i feel off. Lethargic to the point i could fall asleep standing. My whole body tingles. I feel almost like i am not in my body. Lots of trouble doing everyday things. Typing this is even hard for me to do. Alot of mistakes typing i have to check amd recheck to be sure it right. Is this part of the shumman energy.

  7. I have a cold and am flat out no energy. I started a new job in December that has been stressful because I have a lot of clean up to do. Lots of Capricorn energy. High expectations on myself. Lots of letting go for me for sure.

  8. Lol had a fabulous time making three loaves of banana bread for daughter and family.
    Their dog got up on the counter and managed to enjoy 1/3 of a loaf. I choose yo be happy that the doggie thinks I'm a good baker. Love ya Erin lol ๐Ÿ˜…โค


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