Nobody had ANY idea what they were even LOOKING at!

Please see links below. You are greatly appreciated. Thank you! MRMBB333 2487 S. Gilbert Rd, Ste 106 …


50 thoughts on “Nobody had ANY idea what they were even LOOKING at!”

  1. You think this planet is polluted? Just above the stratosphere where weightlessness occurs the human pollution up there we have no clue? I keep thinking what goes up by the law of physics, gravity, this 💩 is coming back down..I’m not saying that all that is witnessed in the skies is human pollution…👽👽👽

  2. If you go outside with some kind of welding equipment where you can look at the Sun go out there right now and look at it there's a DOT and a lower left hand corner it's just sitting there I don't know what the fuck it is somebody tell me what the fuck it is.

  3. Tiffany E. Video was filmed in West Georgia. I noticed them driving home with her and pointed it out to her just joking around (I thought it was a plane reflecting the sun). After a while I decided to pull over because it just wasn't acting like a plane. That's when the video starts.
    Love your channel, found it trying to figure out what we just saw in the sky lol. Still no clue what so ever.

  4. Maybe all that free energy up there is running out cos of whats happening to our atmosphere and the evil objects are falling down. Gods coming soon, get your hearts right brother's and sister's, we dont want to be left behind. X

  5. The vast majority of what you're seeing here is people sitting on their porch either drinking or smoking weed or maybe even both. They have cheap phones and see something up in the sky as they are buzzed or high. They take these granny videos and send them to people like the content creator here. You can't take any of this stuff seriously. I have a camera. If I saw something like this at my residence which is a rural residence in the mountains, the first thing I would do is pull that nice camera out and take a video. None of these people do that.

  6. I really don't think some of these orbs are "off world" objects. I firmly believe they are monitoring devices,ours or theirs, but not aliens, aliens are the Santa for 20 something's.

  7. Hey Mike I wonder if you know what controlled opposition is? Yeah I'm pretty sure you do. Balloons and lanterns you mention alot. God save your soul. And I just have to say you are a joke to me. You should turn to the Creator of ALL before its to late.

  8. I alway looking up at night when taking my dog out haven’t seen anything yet. I look up in the day time at the clouds nothing once saw a silver disk but went too fast. I never have my phone I will think of that but usually a cloudy day. I have binoculars to look up at night that’s when I like to see if anything comes around. I like these videos that you all filmed very interesting. MrMBB333 you have the best videos 👍🏼💫


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