This Game is FILLED With Threats That Will End Your Run

Today In Chapter 26 of Andaron Saga’s Hard mode:

We approach the impenetrable wall. crawling with flameguards, we hatch a plan piloted by Darius.

0:00 Chapter 25x
28:54 Chapter 26 Story
36:18 Chapter 26
1:53:02 Chapter 26 Closing Story and Commentary


6 thoughts on “This Game is FILLED With Threats That Will End Your Run”

  1. The red dust is for Jesse special interaction, He has withdrawals and if he doesn't get it each chapter he'll get a random status. There is also a knife you get if he waits in the cell on the ch you recruit him.
    If Jesse gets an A with Natalie or John he stops relying on red dust. Both Natalie and Jesse can use the Hellblazer sword too. Personally Natalie as a assasin is my favorite route since she can help open chests and the assassin skill is kinda goated.
    Emelia has a unquie Dialog with the boss on the next map.
    Voidflare can be used by Angelus, Emelia, Runa and Varg and with these special weapons I'd recommend you don't use them sparingly if you get them early and can use them.

  2. Love this chapter. Probably would be my favorite if Cyrus didn't exist.

    Ahmed's shop theme is. That is straight up Bonetrousal i believe it was called?

    Estelle is the person i least would want getting high in this entire game…

    There is a lot of things going on but the game makes it clear. I could give tactical tips but i'm not the tactics guy i'm the secrets guy.

    Telling darius to charge just determines if you have an army of Green units on the map as well. not doing so is easier for recruiting Cyrus, Doing so is easier for beating the map.

    Angelus rejoins in this map for an extra unit.

    Father John can be recruited with Jakka, Natalie or Jesse.

    Cyrus can will automatically join at the end of the chapter if Every general survived. This is why i call him Xavier Jr. (Note this is far easier if you still have the rescue staff since you won't have to worry about the generals trapping units on the switches for Cassandra to eat. I speak from experience.)

    4 characters left. (I know i said 5 in a previous chapter but i forgot u missed one and there is still another chance to recruit them)

    Character Reviews!

    John, Hey look a Late game join that can use Staffs and light magic! The two things i desperately needed in my playthrough! Surely i would have used hi- Nope. Statwise he can be helpful but like. He joins far to late that (Unless you are Braindead like me) You should be using a different and Better Staff user. And Lilinette or Estelle would be a better light mage then him.

    Cyrus, He's a fairly good General and he has access to house Flameguard's Regalia Hellfire. But he's competing with Isabella and the Last Recruitable character for this role and tbh. He's losing to them both. Isabella has longer to grow and while Sure house steel doesn't have a Weapon Regalia, if you take it supposedly she can use Dawncaller (I never took it off dawn and don't regret that.) and she has access to Steel's Regalia Bolwerk Making her one of 3 characters that can use 2 regalias. (The other two being Theodore and maybe Christina?) The other's lowest stats are Speed and luck tied at 23 and ignoring con these are their only stats less then 30. And while they start at level 20 if you use an eternal seal on them their lowest growth rate Luck at 30 with their second lowest being speed….at 75. Has 4 weapon skills 2 at S rank and the rest at A. Overall. Cyrus may be Good. Hell he might be Great. But his Competition is a character you get roughly at the one third point and Arguably one of the best characters in the game. As such…I say he's worth giving a shot, Without spoiling anything. Everything i have said revolves around "if you're using Isabella's he overshadowed" so if your not using her he's great and if you are well he's still a character with Good stats and decent build. Wow i put far more detail into Cyrus then John. Benefits of being a pain in the ass to recruit!

  3. Still here keeping up with your good work. The red dust and the many stealables on the map is both a hint to take jesse with u and an indicator that there is corruption on the border due to flameguard falling to ruins cuz of kassandra (according to Mangs when he streamed this chpt.) Isabelle's nihil cancelled cyrus's skill. If u are not training Jesse and Natalie like I am on my current lunatic playthrough, Cyrus is a decent hellblazer user. I 'm half way through the video so I dont know what u did, but from my exp. I will tell u that the best option (at least what I tried) is have darius in the fort to the left to lure generals with ahmed and have a staff user on the right rescue jakka to recruit john. Also u could rescue in jesse to steal and recruit. Cyrus and John are a great combo with A support. Keep up the playthrough u r almost there (SPOILER The worst is yet to come) Also, for future ref in case u are not aware: !! S rank weapon are UNIQUE to their respective families!! Only Theo and Christina can use Rose Thorn, only jesse nat and cy can wield the hellblazer and so on. Runa can only use the voidflare after she gets acces to dark magic in support with Varg! She cant use Ring's bow regalia!!!!

  4. 2 things. You wouldn't have gotten the magic dust from the assassin Colter killed off. You only had 25 speed while the enemy had 29.
    Second thing is that bow knight animation. It comes from the Bow Knight overclass available via DLC in Shadows of Valentia. It also reminds me of the light bowgun from Monster Hunter.


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