HUGE Beginner Carwash at Home Mistake! #carwash #carcleaning #cardetailing #detailing #autodetailing


27 thoughts on “HUGE Beginner Carwash at Home Mistake! #carwash #carcleaning #cardetailing #detailing #autodetailing”

  1. Hey guys I just wanna clear something up, the point of the video is to educate people who tend to buy products like this expecting to have to do zero drying with a typical carwash. I understand deionized water doesn't leave spots, but the average vehicle owner washing at home probably doesn't have a DI system at their house. Thanks for all the great comments!

  2. God loves us so much he sent his one and only begotten son to die on the cross for our sin so pls just give him his time of day
    Romans 8:18 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

  3. I have to explain that more often then not to some people,I have a water system to get spotless water but I explain that to people and they think it’s just the soap


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