How to Beat Giratina VSTAR with Gardevoir EX – Pokemon TCG Matchup Guide

In this video I break down some of the key factors which influence the Gardevoir vs Giratina matchup, as well as the different lines Tina players will take, and how you should respond to them.

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16 thoughts on “How to Beat Giratina VSTAR with Gardevoir EX – Pokemon TCG Matchup Guide”

  1. 11:32 I definitely avoided KOs too much against Bradner, but I still think 80 on a Tina is often correct so long as you’re attaching manually to a Kirlia on that turn. Then you just need to attach a Reversal Energy and Brainwave for 210 can KO the damaged Tina without leaving any damage on Gardevoir. If your opponent doesn’t find a gust effect, they’re only going to be taking one prize card and leaving a 2-prizer active at the same time, which results in a free turn more often than the ex KO-ing.

  2. Hi Rowan!
    I was your round-9 opponent at Portland! Thanks for making this video; it gives me a much clearer understanding at what Gardevoir values, and what strategy/pieces can give Giratina its best chance in this challenging matchup. I also really appreciate you sharing some of the multi-turn maneuvers (e.g. 100 damage with Cresselia).
    Wishing you the best at your continued successful Pokémon career! Good luck at the next big competition you attend!

  3. Very well structured video my friend. I've been on VIPless garde for a while now, but I've yet to try out a build with pal pad + Lumineon in PAR. How have you or anyone who has used it found it so far? When at 5 draw supporters I do find it to be pretty essential, but I'm usually a little too worried about the risk of playing it at most points in the game becoming a liability in the long run. Usually my Lumineon and pal pad end up being a 6th and 7th draw supporter, just for the higher consistency earlier on. Does anyone else have any opinions on this?

  4. Excellent video, friend, if you could make another one with a game between the decks it would be very helpful and entertaining without a doubt

    keep it up
    I've seen this video several times by the way.


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