Horrible!! Ukrainian Army fired 30 HIMARS missiles destroying Russian military logistics train lines

Ukrainian Army fired 30 HIMARS missiles destroying Russian military logistics train lines.

Ukraine is using Western-supplied long-range weapons and 155mm smart shells to hit Russian ammo dumps and supply lines, forcing Moscow to rethink how it supplies fuel and ammunition to the front line.


22 thoughts on “Horrible!! Ukrainian Army fired 30 HIMARS missiles destroying Russian military logistics train lines”

  1. Maybe instead of making money off of advertising from the war, y'all can focus on finding 20 or 30 million ukrainians a place to live. Because in December or January when they realize that they're one little wood stove will not keep their home from turning into a block of ice, they are going to flee in panic and flea out of Ukraine

  2. I honestly think it's bull crap that Biden doesn't Supply them with the 300 km ars Russia can attack any place in Ukraine with the distance of rockets that they have and we should be able to give them the long range High Mars for them to take back from here and other areas in Ukraine instead of taking back little inches at a time I think it's bull crap of course Biden is bull crap he's just a piece of crap that the Americans are regretting putting him in office

  3. Znowu Putler będzie jutro w akcie zemsty terroryzował dronami cywilów w Kijowie /// Again, Putler will be terrorizing civilians in Kiev with drones in revenge tomorrow.

  4. Why "Horrible"?

    Ukrainians kill Russians because they attacked their country for no reason and have no mercy for them. They came well they all die! Ukrainians do not forget what Russian "soldiers" did to Mariupol and especially to their civilians. War criminals must all die.

  5. so to the Russian High Command It is OK for them to be overpowering Ukraine But when Ukraine Gets BETTER WEAPONS and Kicks Their Butts Everywhere then that is not to be Tolerated BY The Russians . I say to the Russians Get USED TO Disappointment Comrades . Ukraine always had Great Fighters and now that they have REAL weapons they are Really Kicking Russian Butt !


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