Horde Mode – Playing COD Zombies in 40K

Horde Mode Beta Documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RCDEfbaJafpfVCU-8iDjCZe_uoPjZLYz?usp=sharing

NEW POORHAMMER MERCH! https://orchideight.com/collections/poorhammer

On this week’s episode, Brad and Eric finally become a proud pair of dads to a NEW WAY TO PLAY 40K! Horde Mode is a Co-op way to play 40k with your friends, with rules created and maintained by the community.
On this episode, find out all about how to play the game mode, how it came to existence, what motivated the design decisions behind the rules and more! Stop reading this right now and download the PDF rules in the link above, listen to the episode and go hype your friends to play your first game!

00:00 – Intro
00:36 – New Merch!
02:10 – What is Horde Mode?
09:25 – How to Play: Basics
22:12 – Spawning The Horde!
28:36 – How to Win the Game
29:30 – Reinforcement Points
34:08 – The Misery Deck
37:22 – Secondary Missions
39:05 – Secret Objectives
42:01 – Brad and Eric Lie to you saying its story time but end up talking things they forgot
44:35 – Strategy Tips and Story Time
01:02:10 – Please help, I am so hungry…

Show Links:
Website: https://poorhammer.libsyn.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SolelySingleton
Brad’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrRuler
Eric’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnekuoSora

Licensed Music Used By This Program:
“Night Out” by LiQWYD, CC BY
“Thursday & Snow (Reprise)” by Blank & Kytt, CC BY
“First Class” by Peyruis, CC BY
“Funky Souls” by Amaria, CC BY

Funky Souls by Amarià https://soundcloud.com/amariamusique
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/Funky-Souls
Music promoted by Audio Library – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFMCyqKF-EE


20 thoughts on “Horde Mode – Playing COD Zombies in 40K”

  1. So in a group game, thousand sons doesn't get it's army rule to full use in anything short of a 2000pts game, I'd reccomend looking over the army rules for some and maybe adjusting slightly so they can use the army yo the fullest extent

  2. I played a game of this today. Two players Ultramarines and World Eaters. The horde of necron ended up wiping out all the vermin. The players flip their secret objective. The Ultramarine captain needed to survive for the Ultramarines player… for the other player Karn the trustworthy needed said captain to die… so ultimately a victory for world eaters. Also in game Karn rolled for field promotion and became Angron and then he and was then cut down by the Night Bringer

  3. Just done with a 3 v iron warriors game. It was admech, custodes, and salamanders. Custodes won. Very lore accurate. 10/10. But also maybe having the horde spawn d3 extra units turn 1. Or maybe thats just pur grouos new hard mode idea

  4. Had a game today with 2 other friends. I have tons of feedback, most of all being that it was one of my favorite 40K experiences!
    Is there a good way to send feedback to y'all? I'll try and email you guys but lmk if theres a better avenue

  5. This sounds amazing. I don't completely understand why it's more complicated for the horde to be more than one faction though. But I guess I probably need to read all the cards.

  6. I haven't gotten to play any 40k yet, so I've been looking into Kill team as i slowly grow my collection, and I wonder how fun this could be on said Kill team scale.
    I think it could be really cool! another way to get new people into Warhammer! It may almost feel similar to Dark tide with the smaller teams and hoards filling the Killzone. Maybe throw in a few "boss" datasheets for models that are to big for Kill team!

  7. Had a great game of it. so refreshing. Spawned magnus 3 times 😂 and had to turn on my teammate as he wouldn't share rp for me to win so I killed his unit. So we both lost. 😅 only change I'm making is air strike going to be old-school blast template + scater dice

  8. Played my First game of this today on TTS. And uh…. You may want to give feild promotion a 2nd pass as we got to battle round 9 before dying because i turned 22 Gretchin in to 11 Ghazghkulls and 11 makari’s

  9. Is there an FAQ anywhere? After watching the video and reading over the rules I already have a few questions.
    For instant, what constitutes a player no longer “surviving”? If a player no longer has models on the table but enough RP to spawn new ones, are they allowed to do so?
    Also, when would the Horde be able to spawn a squad with an attached character? I noticed that some of the basic characters of armies are tier 1 while the units they are allowed to be attached to are tier 2 or 3. I know that you can substitute a higher tier spawn with 2 spawns from the tier just below it, but what about spawns from two or three tiers below?

  10. Took a shot at writing a battle report (with pictures) for my first solo game (link below) Inquisition vs. Death Guard horde.
    I probably got a few rules wrong, but enjoyed the game mode. Almost had it, but got hit with 7 (!) misery cards and a strategy-killing secondary on Round 5.
    Top notes:
    When setting up, I didn't know how it wanted me to place objectives (no Leviathan book) so I picked an Arks layout. It works because I'm on a small 2.5'x4' table anyway.

    I noticed a triple asterix on the DG Land Raider in the roll table. I couldn't figure out what it meant.

    I houseruled Air Strike so units within 1” of the terrain get hit. Only came up once, when a tank was next to some mechanicus structure.

    Fortifications are actually good. By putting a Bastion up front, and keeping my other 3 units behind it and out of LOS, I was able to cower my way to round 5 before it went down. I’m not sure I advocate nerfing them, it would be a liability if I had a secret objective that prioritized movement or aggression.

    The report on a google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/182ZZ1Z_UMfg1snUHIkDYE5JxVtA_s0EDi-z7qruz_MY/edit?usp=sharing

  11. Me and two other friends just played a game of this today. We played Grey Knights, Dark Angels and Sisters vs Horde Orks. We all really enjoyed it and it was a nice and simple way for us to teach our sisters player how to play warhammer. From first impressions, playing at only 1,000 points with only (333) for each of us feels very restrictive since everyone wants to play at least one big unit, but not have few models. Naturally buying and upgrading units as the game progresses is nice, but can take a while if no one wants to share points. Overall very fun time, but I would need more games to form a more solid opinion of fixes.


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