Frauditor Has Window Broken & Arrested For Being an Idiot: HAHAHA!

Stupid is as stupid does and this Frauditor wins the grand prize of stupid!


Rock Intro 2 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

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42 thoughts on “Frauditor Has Window Broken & Arrested For Being an Idiot: HAHAHA!”

  1. What these sovereign citizens (or frauditors) do not understand, or refuse to accept, is that legislation and the legal environment, as well as the facts and all the evidence, must be considered in their TOTALITY. On the contrary, they select certain details from certain laws and only refer to them, and they also refer to them incorrectly…

  2. According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag upside down is only meant to be done "as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." But lately, hanging the stars and stripes upside down is seen more of a symbol — a symbol increasingly used by those on both sides

  3. it isn't illegal to flip the bird. it IS illegal to be driving a car without a license plate light, or a brake light, some states even the (unmuffled) engine noise can be considered illegal. if you give them a reason, they got a whole library of books to throw at you.

  4. @drdaveprofessor You said you looked up "Johnson v. Smith" and found nothing about driver's licenses — That's because our legal genius in this video got the name wrong.

    SovCits usually refer to Thompson v. Smith , 155 Va. 367 — Va: Supreme Court 1930, which is a VIRGINIA supreme court case, not heard by the US Supreme Court.

    This 1930 case clarified that (in Virginia at least) the right to travel on the roads is fundamental and is not subject to governmental whims. All people have the right to travel on Virginia roads using conventional conveyances, including horse-drawn carriage or motor vehicle.

    In the same portion of the ruling, the VA Supreme Court said that governments may regulate road traffic (eg, licenses, registration, speed limits, etc) so long as these regulations are justified (eg in the interest of public safety) and are applied equally to all people with similar qualifications.

    Governments may set up a testing and licensing system, but governments can't arbitrarily pick and choose who can or cannot get a license.

    Of course, SovCits never actually read the ruling. They quote the bit about "travelling on the road" being a fundamental freedom, but they leave out the part that says governments MAY regulate use of the road!

    Surprised? LOL!

    Not one SovCit knows how to find or read case law. They all go to the same websites that publish their favoured misinterpreted fragments of rulings. (Sometimes the fragments are quoted out of their context, but often the quotation doesn't even exist!!)

  5. It’s amazing to me that he sounds like he believes this crap. Johnson v. Smith. It’s obvious that he doesn’t understand the law. How long has he been driving around like this? It’s completely nuts.


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