"God Is Dead" And The Today's Trumpian Christian

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I’m an Anglican Priest in the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island and I get to serve in the Parish of St Margaret of Scotland, in the beautiful city of Halifax, NS, that sits on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people.

My pronouns are he/him/his. My theology is primarily Christo-centric – Jesus is at the centre and it is against Him that all values are bounced off. I believe all people are created in the image of God and are children of God and are heirs to the throne of God – no conditions – therefore every single person we meet deserves our love, and respect.

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God bless you and keep you!


26 thoughts on “"God Is Dead" And The Today's Trumpian Christian”

  1. my greatest fear for this election, is if Donald trump is elected again, we'll have Nazi Germany all over again. It may not be the Jews, but you can already see the Right looking for its scape goats. Homosexuality, liberalism, Latinos, anyone that disagrees with them. Martin Niemöller put it best in my opinion "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." Fascism is the slow poison, that kills freedom and righteousness. At first glance it doesn't seem so bad, you're being patriotic, but it moves in waves and before you know it good people are doing terrible things because they've been indoctrinated into hatred. Another quote this time form a game Wing Commander IV, that i think applies is "the price of freedom is constant vigilance." because if we ignore evil, because its easier to be silent then it is to resist popularity you will soon find yourself oppressed by those who publicly say their your protectors and champions.

    Jesus had many brilliant and loving ideas, but you'll rarely hear those quoted in modern day politics. It feels like several politicians are more interested in fighting what Jesus's teachings seem to support, while proclaiming it all in the name of Jesus. Let me ask you this, would Jesus want an elderly man to starve so he could afford treatment for his cancer? Would Jesus think it was a great idea, to cut back assisted living programs like food stamps, HUD, and medicare, so the rich can have their tax cuts? When where you put your money becomes a form of free speech, corruption prevails. its depressing honestly, thank you Rev Trevors.

  2. Religion evolved in part due to folks trying to appease the nature gods, volcanoes, storms, floods, forest fires and the like by sacrificing treasured possessions to that god. This gave them a sense of control over that god. This appears to be more of the same. Many an atheist drags out that now tired argument that "if God loves us, how can he permit all this suffering? He could stop it, but because he doesn't, that's proof he doesn't really love us." All of these mindsets are egocentric, assuming God is supposed to be at our beck and call, granting our every wish, or that's proof that prayer is useless. Yup, people have always wanted a god who will allow them to be just as lazy as they want to be. As the Dread Pirate Roberts says in Princess Bride: "get used to disappointment."
    At first, taking on a life of service might seem like grunt-work. But the laying up of treasures in heaven reaps big rewards.

  3. Tyranny is government for those who want things done now.

    This morning I started reading 2 Thess. It started good. 1:6,7 God willdo what is right… He will give relief to you who are suffering…

    But then Paul explains how relief will come…

    1:7.8 He will do this when the Lord Jesus appears…To punish those who reject God…

    Looking past the part where Paul was supposed to love his enemies, it's obvious that Jesus didn't come with mighty angels in the first or even second century. If every word is God inspired, then God didn't do what He said He would.

    What I heard God say through what you were saying is that that I want things now, but He doesn't do things that way.

    What do you think about this passage?

  4. Would love to hear you speak on l Samuel 8, about the Israelites asking for a king and God saying they didn't need one, they had God, and them saying that they still wanted one like the other countries had…so if you ask for a dictator so you don't have to use your brain or your heart, you may not like what you get. I think this chapter really speaks to me in our current situation.

  5. According to Monty Python, "There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't || teach about the raising of the wrist || Socrates himself was permanently pissed…" Rhymes with teach a(bout). This could easily be poetic license.

  6. The people who build walls to have their prosperity for their own forget that this can't be in the mind of God as the people kept out of the prosper land are as much loved by god as they are, he does not distinguish between the ones who are rich and those who dream of becoming a better life, I guess God has only in mind that there is enough for everyone, am I wrong, Reverend?

  7. My heart is broken and disappointed to see what this Pro Trump worship is doing to lose us converts to Christianity. It's understandable if they say they like Trump's policies but it goes way beyond that into idolatry. These Trump idolaters take great offense if you aren't in their Trump Cult. They will deny they are worshiping him but we all can see that's the case.

    If you have a different preference for President, you can literally lose Church friends and even family. Never seen anything like it and I've lived a long time on this earth.

    I can't imagine King Jesus is pleased with this kind idolatrous betrayal from the people who wear the Christian label….unless Jesus allowed this to expose the tares disguised as wheat and to expose the goats pretending to be His sheep because our Lord and Savior is coming back soon and gathering HIs real Sheep into HIS fold.


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