“From Broken Pieces To Masterpieces.” My co-authored book releases 10/8/2022! Now taking pre-orders!

My co-authored book release is
quickly approaching!

Release date 10/8/2022!

“From Broken Pieces To Masterpieces”
with Dr. Angella Banks and 14 co-authors, including myself.

God gets all the praise, honor and glory!
This book is going to bless SO many lives!

Go to https://linktr.ee/footprintstohealth to pre-order your copy today for just $24.99.

All proceeds from donations and book pre-orders will help fund my book signing road trip travels to Florida.

A non-monetary way to help support me on this endeavor is to share this to get the word out there more!

Any support is greatly appreciated and warms my heart immensely! God bless!

Love and blessings,
Coach Amy ❤️🙏


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