Let's Play Symphony of War Episode 19: Taking fort Eureeka pt.1

Well talk about being outnumbered sheesh! But thanks to Devoas strategic mind and lack of adhering to the social etiquette we can battle for fort Eureeka. Also at the same time the Prime Minister seems to still be plotting and he is with someone that we have met before. I smell an assasination in the air! The mission seems to be pretty straightforward but with one catch and that is the beautiful Beatrix. Also did I mention she is quite deadly? No? Well then see for youselves!

Find out more in the next episode!

0:00 Start and squad updates
4:29 Story time: Strategy table
9:11 Prime Minister’s plot
11:16 Meeting the lovely Beatrix
13:05 Strategy map overview
16:55 Battle phase begins
49:20 Ending of part 1


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