Animal Farm | George Orwell | Animated Movie | Classic Film

Animal Farm – A successful farm revolution by the native animals against the farmer goes horribly wrong as the victors create a new tyranny among themselves.

Animal Farm (1954)
Director: Joy Batchelor, John Halas
Writers: George Orwell(based on a story by), Lothar Wolff(story development), Borden Mace(story development)
Stars: Gordon Heath(voice), Maurice Denham(voice)
Genre: Animation, Drama
Country: United Kingdom, United States
Language: English
Release Date: 29 December 1954 (USA)

Britain’s second animated feature, which, despite the title and Disney-esque animal animation, is in fact a no-holds-barred adaptation of George Orwell’s classic satire on Stalinism, with the animals taking over their farm by means of a revolutionary coup, but then discovering that although all animals are supposed to be equal, some are more equal than others…

“Honestly, I just don’t see why this great film keeps receiving so much unfair criticism. It is true that that it does change the ending of the book in which it was inspired, but for most part, it very respectful for its source material, keeping all the dark elements and themes from the novel.

In many ways, “Animal Farm” managed to be away too ahead of its time, being much mature than other animated films produced in the same decade. Even when the animation wasn’t as polished as the Disney classics, it was reasonably well made, with appealing designs and a good level of quality from beginning to end.

But it was the marvelous plot from this movie what made “Animal Farm” a worth-watching experience. This movie was made in a time when animation was considered a medium that only kids could enjoy (A sad misconception which unfortunately still exist in the present) and yet, it managed to be just as complex and interesting like novel, without changing the plot in order to make it much more “family friendly” (Now, if you want to see a terrible desecration of Orwell’s work watch the terrible “Animal Farm” live-action TV movie from 1999, which tried to turn the story into a “Babe” clone. Yes, it was that bad.)

“Animal Farm” is simply one of the most underrated animated films ever made, being a brave effort to show the possibilities that the medium had, predating the existence of masterpieces like “Watership Down” and “The Plague Dogs”. I think that this movie deserves much more appreciation and recognition from viewers.” -written by “Rectangular_businessman” on

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) Animal Farm
Argentina Rebelión en la granja
Australia Animal Farm
Belgium (English title) (alternative spelling) Angry Farm Animals
Belgium (Dutch title) (new title) Dieren boerderij
Brazil A Revolução dos Bichos
Canada (English title) Animal Farm
Canada (French title) (new title) La ferme des animaux
China (Mandarin title) 动物农场
Czechia Farma zvírat
Czechoslovakia (Czech title) Farma zvírat
Czechoslovakia (Slovak title) Zvieracia farma
Denmark Kammerat Napoleon
Finland Eläinten kapina
Finland (Swedish title) Djuren gör revolt
Finland (TV title) Eläinten vallankumous
Finland (Swedish title) (TV title) Djurfarmen
France La ferme des animaux
Germany Animal Farm – Aufstand der Tiere
Greece (transliterated title) To xypnima ton sklavon
Greece Η φάρμα των ζώων
Hungary Állatfarm
India (English title) Mejjorpelicul Mi FavoritA
India (Hindi title) Animal Farm
Italy La fattoria degli animali
Japan (Japanese title) 動物農場
Mexico La revolución de los animales de granja
Norway Kamerat napoleon
Philippines (Tagalog title) (new title) Sakahan ng Hayop
Philippines (Latin title) (new title) Ang Animal Farm
Poland Folwark zwierzecy
Portugal O Triunfo dos Porcos
Romania Ferma animalelor
Singapore (English title) Animal Farm
Soviet Union (Russian title) Звероферма
Spain Rebelión en la granja
Sweden Djuren gör revolt
Sweden (TV title) Kamrat Napoleon
UK Animal Farm
USA Animal Farm
West Germany Animal Farm – Aufstand der Tiere
West Germany Aufstand der Tiere
World-wide (English title) (TV title) Beerta Xayawaanka
World-wide (English title) (working title) Angry Farm Animals


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45 thoughts on “Animal Farm | George Orwell | Animated Movie | Classic Film”

  1. Old Major = Lenin/Karl Marx
    Napoleon and Animal Farm = Stalin/USSR
    Dog bodyguards = KGB secret police
    Snowball = Trotsky
    Farmer Jones and Manor Farm = Tsar and Russia
    Boxer and Benjamin = The Proletariat
    Chickens = The lowest of the peasants
    1st battle = Russian Revolution
    2nd battle = World War 2
    Whymper = Capitalist USA
    Ending = Fall of the Wall/Collapse of the USSR
    Napoleon's kids who probably survived = Putin

  2. it is a real democracy 😂😂😂😂 some business man's are pig , some kind of their political leaders , dog is police and law saviour horse donkey are farmers and labours some duks are

  3. I saw this in school when I was young… NOW both MOVIE and BOOK are BANNED MATERIAL!!! How utterly sad, that a few idiots get this canceled, just like Dr. Seuss books and cartoons.

  4. I used this film when I taught it in the classroom. I can't watch it without tears in my eyes, especially when the poor horse is betrayed. Now it's sadder than ever as we seem to be reenacting it on a national level.

  5. As a farmer I have to laugh at the bit when the sheep throws away the shears down the well, it'll not be so happy when summer comes around and it isn't sheared and sweats like buggerit all summer long.

  6. Still don't get it. Is the story about the ptfalls of national socialistic worker party. Or how communist ideology inevidally falls into authoritarianisms.
    Or maybe, bacon is delicious.

  7. boxer's death broke my heart as a kid. i see a bit of my old self in him. in the book, he had a slogan: "if napoleon says it, it must be right." he was not only a hard worker, but loyal to any fault. iirc when he was loaded up in the death wagon he said to his frantic companions something like, "i'll be fine, don't worry! napoleon's doing right, he won't hurt me!" he's a great lesson in what happens to the perfect communist.

  8. I remember absolutely hating this movie when I was a kid and we watching it to this day I can 100% see why I would never ever let my child watch this this movie is actually terrifying to watch even as an adult literally one of the pigs murdered the leader of the animals in front of everyone and then got up on stage with his dogs and said hey I just murdered snowball and I'll murder you too if you don't do what I say now here's my plan that you know a snowballs but I take ownership of it and nobody object to it it was asking if it was a mystery but everyone literally saw snowball running for his life

  9. The song is little scary because makes me see the reality. In my country Peru we have the same problem. A corrupt government and the lose of citicens lives. Im worried we'll have a revolution!

  10. God I hate Napoleon…..and to think no animals ever questioned him about snowball being a traitor and saying he was going to bring back Jones…I mean how would that benefit snowball and did he have any evidence…but no…sigh….snowball…

  11. When animals have the illusion that they own the farm, it's called democracy. When a large group of animals thinks only their butchers serve the animals, that's called communism.


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