What If the Jedi Order Captured the Outer Rim

During the Golden Years of the Republic & the Jedi, they allowed the Outer Rim to fall into chaos at the hands of the Nihil & Syndicates. What If the Jedi Order Captured the Outer Rim? Would they target the Hutts or the Nihil first? Would the Nihil keep the Jedi at bay or would the Jedi persevere? How would the Republic respond to this development?

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43 thoughts on “What If the Jedi Order Captured the Outer Rim”

  1. What if Gojo from jujustu kaisen trained Count Dooku?

    What if the Yuzhann Vong invaded during the imperial era?

    What if Prince Xizor from Shadows of the Empire was able to have Vader killed and took Vader's place?

    What if the jedi found the world between worlds and they visited a little place called South Park to leave their world behind?

  2. What if a Jedi from the end of the old Republic was found frozen before the beginning of the phantom menace. Who becomes wise and tries to merge the old ways with the new

  3. what if Shmi Skywalker lead a slave up rising of the outrim and actually managed to conqure it all and become Empress of the outrim and making Anakin once he is born, Prince of the outrim and this all manged to happen without getting the republic to notice (which wasnt that hard) and the sith and jedi didnt notice because the force

  4. This must be a Disney canon thing. That the Jedi just sucked at every point in their history. They were arrogant and foolish and apparently always fail the galaxy and themselves.

    The Jedi in Legends weren't at all like this. These constant failures who only ever let the Galaxy down apparently. They weren't invincible, they failed and were defeated on several occasions, but they LOST and were DEFEATED. It wasn't a bunch of arrogant and foolish Jedi who caused their failures, they didn't give up or lose because they were wrong. They lost because they were mortal and sometimes bad guys win. Because the Sith and other enemies they fought were ALSO strong.

    The Jedi in Legends were heroes and a genuine force for good in the Galaxy. They were mortal and imperfect and could lose and there were specific Jedi who were dogmatic and made mistakes. But this idea that the order was horribly flawed and corrupt? This is a Disney canon thing.

    I'm sick to death of these kinds of stories. Blah blah blah the Jedi suck. Blah blah blah the order was corrupt, blah blah blah dogmatic. Blah blah blah the galaxy would be better off without ancient religions.

    And that's another thing. Yes, they do refer to the Jedi and Sith as religions in universe in both timelines. But they aren't religion like religion in the real world. Jedi and Sith could TEST AND PROVE the existence of the Force. Sure their philosophies could be called religions, but the Force in SW is as real as electricity or gravity. Religion are nothing but brain dead stories. Not remotely the same thing as arguing over which skyman to pray to.

  5. _Once again u made a story better then the original Brilliant_
    I've read some of the high repulic, not gonna lie it was hard reading as I'm more of a character follower then a word building or magic system follower, so introducing so many Jedi and changing leads sucked for me. But I did know all the main characters that were on the nial strike team.

  6. What if the Republic had the droid army while the CIS had the clones ?

    What if force ghost Lenin met Anakin ?
    "We need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problem, agree what's the best interest of all the people, and then do it.
    And the people should be made to by someone wise."

    "That sounds a lot like something i know, you mystic space wizard-monk…"

  7. What if tech found and believed fives?

    What if tarkin and yoda fell in love

    What if tech dies during rescuing echo

    What if echi did die in the citadel

    What if cody and obi wan fell in love

    What if the celestials returned during the clone wars

    What if plo koon and wolffe fell in love

    What if the clone army was made from master yoda

    What if the clone army was made from plo koon

    What if wrecker was more childish

    What if the entire clone army was gay

    What if tech treated wrecker like a little brother

    What if tech was the chosen one


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