Speedy Bomb Squad to the Rescue – Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Ending | Blind Playthrough [Part 7]

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22 thoughts on “Speedy Bomb Squad to the Rescue – Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Ending | Blind Playthrough [Part 7]”

  1. Congratulations! I can't wait for you to play Chaos Theory (even though the original and PT are great games, CT is fortunately a lot less buggy when it comes to lights and AI…)

  2. If you like the humor in this one, just wait till you get to Chaos Theory. Sam is at his best in that game and so is Lambert and Grimsdottir

    Please do yourself a favor though, play the PC version. There's a widescreen patch for it, and it supports controller, and runs amazingly. I personally suggest using Shader Model 1.1 in the settings rather than 3.0, as they're more accurate to the XBOX version and while the 3.0 are more crisp, the 1.1 seem more dynamic.

  3. If you thought Pandora Tomorrow was fun, then I'm positive you'll enjoy Chaos Theory, which in my opinion, is the best SC game in the entire franchise. The gameplay and the dialogue has been improved. Be sure to interrogate EVERYONE since there are some funny interactions.
    And when I mean EVERYONE, I mean EVERYONE because you might miss a very interesting Easter Egg.

  4. Great playthough, a lot of fun to watch :). I really enjoyed PT too. The bugs and lackluster ending were a shame though. Looking forward to SC:CT and Halloween horror coming up! Personally I find most horror games LESS stressful than playing Splinter Cell

  5. Nice playthrough. Difficult in spots, but that's how one becomes the best agent!

    Chaos Theory is still arguably the best stealth-action game out there. Overall it's just an evolution and improvement over the previous installment. Most of the tips for that game also apply here, like interrogating everyone if possible, not disturbing conversations to gain more intel/lore and be able to instantly observe default patrol routes, or being patient in exploration to discover alternatives.

    Story tip: writing, just like many other elements, is even better, and Ironside is doing a fantastic job in Chaos Theory. To get some cool dialogue lines and character-building bits it might be advised to do something that on the surface is not needed/not advised.

    For example, in the first level you can interact with a certain body, even though you're advised to leave it alone, to get a line from Fisher that is a nice inside into chis character.

    And on this note (without spoilers)- later on, Sam comes by a crashed vehicle with a couple of potential victims involved. You MIGHT want to consider doing something about them, despite not having to, to get arguably the best small dialogue between him and Lambert in the series. Or not, what do I know 🙂

    And if you're going to consider it- it's worth playing it on PC. There's a fantastic, handy, and short guide on Steam called 'Improvements for Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory'. There are a few steps that can greatly improve presentation and feeling, and it all takes <5minutes to do. The game looks and plays outstanding. Just the mouse controls and FOV/modern rez are worth it!

  6. Finished the video last night, and wanted to drop a few things here. I don't actually have a whole lot to say about the game. I like the environments and I like that it ups the challenge in that it assumes you're already comfortable with its concepts.

    Beyond that the game is really rough in areas, particularly that Ai, which I never really realized. Or at least I didn't remember it being that way

    Overall the game also has a slightly less realistic feel to it, and the story feels a lot less developed. I don't mind the concept of the plot it just feels like it blasts through it. The first game may have been less ambitious with its areas, but it did feel tighter designed.

    I honestly don't mind the replaced voice actors here, I think they do okay and it gives the game its own feel. The writing remains pretty good too. I didnt realize you already knew the original cast come back for chaos theory, unless you mentioned that in another video I missed. It leaves this game kinda being the odd one out, but even as a longtime fan it doesn't actually distract as much as I'd have expected. It makes all the difference that we still had michael Ironside here

    The ending is definitely very abrupt and rushed, which just adds even more to the game feeling undeveloped.

    Considering it was a different team and it had such a short development time, they still did a great job. I do think the game stands out enough on its own to be a worthwhile sequel.

    Cannot fuckin wait for the rest of the series, these first two are the ones I played the least. Chaos theory is just an absolute gem, and everyone unanimously agrees. It's going to be an awesome playthrough!

    By the way, good job managing the difficulty and jankiness of the game without many complaints at all. Them souls games are good for something after all lol

    Edit: ALSO I'm seeing a lot of comments about the interrogations in the next game. They are indeed great. I wouldn't recommend you play the game with the intention of trying to interrogate every single person though, thats just silly. Not that you would do that but some folks are going to be bitching and expecting that probably

    Also I wouldn't feel pressured to use night vision if you don't need it and it bothers your eyes. It's better in chaos theory I think, but either way if you're getting through the missions then what does it matter? It's a topic you touched on a few times that I never mentioned. Just because people play in night vision 90 percent of the time doesn't mean you need to. It's like detective vision in batman

  7. Great wrap up! One last tip I forgot for Chaos Theory, you can save wherever, whenever, but there's no automatic checkpoints in missions, so you need to remember to save!! Double Agent has auto checkpoints AND save whenever though. Also as a side note, I'd actually recommend multiple playthroughs of Chaos Theory whether on your own or on the channel at a later time, personally I'd like to see a 100% (0 alarms, 0 bodies found, 0 times identified as intruder, 0 kills, and all objectives including "hidden" ones) on all missions playthrough of Chaos Theory as a second playthrough at a later time if you feel like you wanna get into it again

  8. Yeah Ubisoft Shanghai developed Pandora Tomorrow whilst Ubisoft Montreal (who made the first game) worked on Chaos Theory. They both started development at the same time iirc but Pandora Tomorrow was given a more rushed deadline so they could stagger the releases by a year, which is why it basically feels like Splinter Cell 1.5 whilst Chaos Theory is… well, you'll see the difference lol.

  9. The next game, Chaos Theory, is by far the best game in the series. In fact it is probably one of my all time favourite games. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing, especially the menu screen, when you first start it, it's almost reminiscent to metal gear solid 1. The detail in the game is incredible and way ahead of its time.


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