37: Glitches in the Matrix | The BCC Club Podcast

Have you ever lived an entire life just to wake up one morning and realize you were just passed out for 10 minutes? Have you ever broken your favorite mug and thrown the pieces away, just to find the same exact mug sitting in the cabinet the next morning unbroken? This week, Sarah and Kendahl ponder the biggest questions of existentialism regarding the universe and reality.
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29 thoughts on “37: Glitches in the Matrix | The BCC Club Podcast”

  1. I had a glitch in the matrix happen in front of not only me but also my dad and brother too. I usually say it was a ghost but it sounds unusual even for a ghost story. But anyway, I was around maybe 15 when this happened. We had just gotten netflix and I had seen a movie on there that I wanted to see. It was the cgi movie, 9. It was late afternoon, maybe 4 or 5 pm, and my dad had just gotten off of work. I was excited and wanted to watch 9 together with family. I asked my mom to join us but she said no and was content with reading a book. So it did end up just being my brother, father, and me. We settled down, turned off the lights(even though it was still bright outside, it was dim in the room), and started the movie. Some time passes while we watch the movie when suddenly we all see a tall shadow glide in between us and the tv. The shadow itself was too strong to be cast in a room with ambient lighting. The shadow cast looked like it was from a bright light source but we obviously didn't have a projected light source where it would have cast the shadow.

    It was as if an object or person moved in front of a movie projector and blocked out the screen. Only, the shadow was very tall. It encompassed the ceiling as well as the ground. It really looked something like a projected column of shadow rather than the column of light you'd see glide across the room from a car's headlights shining into a sliver inbetween a window and the blinds. But everything that was covered by the shadow didn't even have a reflection of surrounding light around it. Even in complete darkness, your eye can still discern an object and maybe be able to tell what kind of texture it has if there is a little light surrounding it, but the objects within the shadow were dark as night when the shadow would pass over it. It entered the room left to right and then was gone. It was probably only there for like….15 seconds. We all saw it at the same time but said nothing at first. It took several moments to build up the courage in the room, but one of us did eventually say, "hey did you guys just see that?" and we all said we saw the same thing. We described it to each other in perfect detail and did not even deviate from one another's stories in the slightest. My brother still doesn't like talking about it.

    I've talked about it before on a ghost podcast. I submitted it as a ghost sighting but I really don't know what I saw. I am tempted to call it a shadow person sighting but it didn't feel like a person or an entity that may have BEEN a human at one point. It felt impersonal, like a glitch on a videotape. Like when there's a visual distortion on the film. And we all saw it. I don't want to think about if we were in a simulation because what could we do? What implications in life could that actually bring up? Are we just some alien kid's version of a sim's game? I don't wanna think about it too much. But yeah, that was my glitch in the matrix story.

    Also I'm glad Kendahl survived the white rapids, terrified Sarah met this bizarre scary woman, and I think you guys would like Netflix's Russian Doll if you haven't seen it yet. Also maybe Paper Girls on Amazon.

  2. I really don’t understand why they think children are horrible actors. Like, I understand that they don’t have the life experience, but Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter was pretty damn amazing. And Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven in the 1st and 2nd seasons?!?! Are you kidding me?!?!! She’s such a natural actress. This part kinda made mad ngl

  3. A hummingbird Festival is a place that celebrates hummingbirds and where a lot of feeders have been put up and then scientists/specially trained banders then trap for less than 5 minutes, put little tiny ID bracelets on them to see how far they go if they were ever to be found deceased, or trapped again, so we can gather information about age, distance traveled ect.

  4. I had a similar experience to the earring story. My mom had this diamond ring from her grandmother and would wear it daily but take it off at night and place it in this glass dish. Well one morning she woke up and it wasn't there. We searched for a week, cleared off everything on the dresser, went through every drawer, shelf, underneath the bed/nightstands. Literally searched everywhere. Could not find it. Then one morning she screams my name and I come running upstairs and she is holding the ring. It was just sitting on the corner of the dresser when she found it. She was convinced I played a practical joke on her but I swear on my life that ring was no where to be found until it just got "dropped" one morning.

  5. bella ramsey is incredible!!! they're 19, but can look 13/14 so easily with some makeup, it's amazing. I know a ton of tlou fans think that they won't look 19-21 in part 2, even though they were aged down to play ellie, and look like a normal young adult naturally, not to mention how they're going to be a few years older than part 2 ellie when they're filming.

  6. I love that y’all talking about time travel, black holes, and science ❤😂 I think if I could back in time, I would go back to like early 90’s, and just work at like blockbuster. Good vibes and good music 😂😂😂

  7. the comedy store is super haunted!!! your encounter with the lady in the bathroom could have been a ghost!! look up mitzi shore, she owned the comedy store and she’s known to haunt and badger people about comedy so she may be mad you were upset about the joke

  8. I had a glitch happen to me:
    I was feeling under the weather and so I called in sick and made a doctors apointment for 10:30am the next day.
    I got up in the morning and went to the trainstation takong a 20minute ride. All the while I did use my phone and listen to music, the train was empty. Got out walked to my GPs office and as I always do quickly saied hi to the receptionist and went to the waiting room. I waited for a while and in comes the receptionist asking me what I was doing here. Me: "I am here for my apointment". Her: "you are a littlel early". Me: "its 10:15". Her: ……"its 7:45!" I imidiatly started crying cuz I totaly belived I had somehow went back in time during the trainride. I must have seemd super iratic cuz she rushed out and squeezed me in with in 10 minutes.

  9. i once was shushed by a disembodied voice because i was singing judas by lady gaga, i was like 7 and home alone during the summer. idk if it’s more paranormal or glitchy, but yeah


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