NASA's Mars Rover Has Finally Found What It Has Been Looking For!

NASA’s Mars Rover Has Finally Found What It Has Been Looking For!

NASA just reported that they’ve finally found what they’re looking for, and their age-long search on the planet Mars might finally come to an end. The newly created three-legged robot, Insight Mars Lander, was made to analyze the interior of Mars. Since its landing on Mars in November, 2018, it has been busy. Finally, Insight has helped NASA uncover what they were looking for all along. What is it, so important, that NASA could have found on Mars? Join us as we unveil NASA’s ultimate discovery on Mars.

NASA has been looking to find answers as to whether Mars still possesses an active core in its interior, along with unearthing the reason for Mars presently evolving into a desolate, dusty, and dry planet. The creation of Insight Mars Lander indirectly answered both questions because, through Insight’s analysis of the tremors underneath Mars, it was deduced that an active meteorite hit the planet with such force that it caused vibrations to spread across the planet, and it went once throughout the full cross-section of Mars. Knowing this, researchers were able to conclude for the first time in history that the red planet truly has an active core.

The surprising thing about this active core, which spans around 1,830 kilometers wide, is that it seems to be entirely liquid in nature, as opposed to the Earth’s active core, which is composed of solid iron in the midst of liquid materials, along with a firm crust that provides a stable magnetic field that shields us from external intrusions from cosmic space. Unlike Earth, Mars has a weak magnetic field that opens up the planet to unwanted influences from outer space such as cosmic rays and solar particles. The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from the sun’s radiation and defends us from space particles from the sun that enter our planet every day, channeling them through coastlines into a protective bag far away from us. Due to the thin atmosphere created by a weak magnetic field on Mars, it receives waves upon waves of solar winds and unpleasant radiation which makes water evaporate into space, resulting in the dry and dusty planet we now know.


1 thought on “NASA's Mars Rover Has Finally Found What It Has Been Looking For!”

  1. Thanks Eternity for this nice report from my favorite planet, from Mars!
    Over 4 billion years ago our planet Earth was not yet ready to accommodate life and nature, while a completely different picture emerged on Mars (including Ceres / Venus).
    Mars was then absolutely ideal for all kinds of life forms thanks to a stable atmosphere and magnetic fields. This is how a diverse habitat developed on Mars. Even today, if we look closely, we can still discover a few traces of this ancient life on the surface.
    I myself have discovered clear traces with google Earth PRO and a few magnification tools… try it out, it's fun to play the explorer… 😄😉


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