“Who Could BLAME Her?” | Holly Willoughby Has Been “Scapegoated”, Says Nicola Thorp

Holly Willoughby has announced she is stepping down from presenting This Morning after 14 years on the ITV show.

The 42-year-old said it was an “honour to just be part of its story”, but that she feels “I have to make this decision for me and my family” in a social media post on Tuesday.

It comes after a 36-year-old man was remanded in custody last week charged over an alleged plot to kidnap and murder Willoughby.

TalkTV’s Nicola Thorp reacts to Holly Willoughby’s resignation from This Morning.

“So often we use women who are at the forefront of programmes to be scapegoated instead of looking at the wider picture.”

#talktv #talkradio #hollywilloughby #itv #thismorning


32 thoughts on ““Who Could BLAME Her?” | Holly Willoughby Has Been “Scapegoated”, Says Nicola Thorp”

  1. nobody should experience threats of violence or kidnapping, but the woman is a VERY VERY nasty woman, she's a home wrecker and the worst kind of home wrecker, she KNEW what she was doing she knew he was married and she still dated him for years, at this point i don't care what lies he might have told her, she knew EXACTLY what she was doing and she kept doing it for many years

  2. I love how everyone has an opinion on Holly as if they know her or have walked a step in her shoes. She is brave, fierce, and has absolutely done the right thing here. The poor girl has had it all thrown at her this year. But this is on a whole new level… how terrified she and her family must feel.

    Nobody deserves this kind of threat over them. Everyone has the right to feel safe . Unfortunately, this world becomes less and less safe to be in. Something needs to change, drastically!!

  3. She should have quit months ago or she should have been sacked
    She knew exactly what schofield was doing and she went along with him
    They actually believe they are untouchable
    She is a disgrace to women

  4. nicola thorpe will NEVER be adored or even respected because she wont think for herself.shes a bandwagon jumper and not even a good one.look at her,trying to look serious like shes a real presenter.only ava (eeeeww) and that shola extremist are worse.

  5. Holly Willoughby was part of the problem including Schofield. The bosses at This Morning wanted both of them to go. They want a new team that worked together well and was liked by their colleagues. Both Schofield and Holly were entitled and thought they were superior, they proved that when they jumped the queue to see the Queen resting in State. Everyone has a responsibility to protect under age people in their care. They all knew about Schofield and his desire for the young man for along time which is why Ruth took action and they got rid of her. She jumped with a helping nudge because it was going to happen anyway. Although she was set to receive an increased salary upto £1 million, it was just too much for the programme. Their ratings plummeted because of this and the only move forward was for a two fresh faced.

    Holly will be fine, she is rich, she has done well, she has her family too. It is a new adventure for her, she can explore new projects and I'm sure she will do well in whatever she does next.


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