When Is Japan Getting Over Isekais??

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21 thoughts on “When Is Japan Getting Over Isekais??”

  1. Well the mecha genre dominated for 30 years from 70s till 00's so maybe isekai has another good 10 to 20 years before it is gone for good XD.

    I peaked with watching every new anime around 2020 these last few years i have more or less been on hiatus or just check at random.

  2. Isekais were never good. This is a problem with this channel. Some of you guys have never watched actually good and classic anime like Death Note yet have watched like 50 terrible isekai animes.

  3. Joey: "The Simpson doesn't work dubbed!"

    Literally all Simpsons Western dubs that made the show a cultural phenomenon world wide: "Are we a joke to you?!!!!"

  4. To be honest, i really just want Space Evil Overlord Isekai and Space Mercanary Isekai (Shortend Title, if you look for those, they are easy to find)be made an anime, cause they are both funny. Especially Space Evil Overlord. After that, we basically are looking in the bottom rejects. I mean, Got a Skill in another world and became op in the Real One is already a real bottom dweller. There are 2 Light Novels released as for this month and the Manga is not that advanced either. Im not sure even where the story goes, cause so far the source material is nearly deplenished

  5. Not a lot of Spaghetti Westerns (movies set in the gunslinger era of west/southwest North America) were directed by Italians… but they gained prominence specifically due Clint Eastwoods early movies directed by Sergio Leone. Most other Spaghetti Westerns didn’t get much play outside of parts of Europe.

  6. Surely isekai is neither recent nor a Japanese invention? Having a protagonist move from "our" world (or a facsimile of it) to a fantasy setting has been a staple of fantasy for ages. L. Frank Baum, C. S. Lewis, Lewis Carroll, Astrid Lindgren, they all used it.

  7. I am all in for another world animes but I draw the line when the protag is just a copy paste character or if there is romance he is denser than a rock..

    And then there is the titles.. on one hand I like the crazy long titles but gets a but silly but it's far better than the same old "In another world as a (enter name here)"

  8. nowdays Isekai just be the title and start plot and disappear (forget it) as the story continued. like light novel "isekai smartphone", a story about MC reborn in isekai with his smartphone, but he never use the smartphone.

  9. grimgar of fantasy and ash was a well done show that incorporated the isekai story to only amplify the story further. one of the best and slept on shows I highly recommend it.

  10. Probably when the reality of living on Earth as it stands isn't so abjectly horrible to consider going forward, when young men and women can start to actually look forward to their days as they grow older rather than simply watching on the sidelines as society slowly slides into a hellscape where no one is happy and corporations have free reign to fuck them over for a 3% better profit margin on their cheaply made goods as they cut more people from their workforce as automation strips more and more jobs from the unskilled job markets while their government marches ever onward towards the total control and subjugation of the individual free will of the masses "in the interest of public safety" or whatever phrase they come up with after next months tragedy where they try to justify limiting the free will of their citizens while ignoring the major issues that effectively create those tragedies and pushing them back to next election season so they can campaign on them, get elected and proceed to do little more than reinforce the supporting structure of their party, stonewall the opposition and cut deals with corporations behind closed doors to fund their inevitable retirement after they've spent two or three decades siphoning money out of the citizenry through overbearingly strict taxation policies that barely help allieviate the problems they were created to help solve.

    Maybe then the idea of disappearing to some magical world of holy orders and demon lords might not be so compelling.


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