TWILIGHT: How James Was The Reason Alice Became A Vampire

TWILIGHT: How James Was The Reason Alice Became A Vampire. James is absolutely terrifying and as this video title reads, he was the sole reason that Alice Cullen became a vampire and in today’s video, I’m gonna tell you why.

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21 thoughts on “TWILIGHT: How James Was The Reason Alice Became A Vampire”

  1. Actually the origin of her backstory comes from the illustrated guide for Twilight which came out years before midnight Sun so her backstory was solidified but we don’t have characters mention or talk about it directly until then.

  2. I thought it was criminal that they never did a small bit on any of Alice's past but they did for Rosalie and Jasper. It was just as important and they certainly could have taken the time to reveal when Alice finds out about her connection to James and what happened to her and her family as she didn't remember her human life at all. That was in the Twilight book. James was telling Bella about Alice while filming her and Alice later found out via that tape. Then went to see what happened to her sister and she finally knew her full name was Mary Alice Brandon. Before that all she knew was her name was Alice and she woke up alone and a vampire and the only thing that saved her was her visions of her future with Jasper and then eventually the Cullens.

  3. it sounds like “singers” could be for more than just one vampire in the twilight universe, because we know Emmett has gone through it twice and couldn’t help himself, and so Edward knows about it because he reads minds; however it’s only Bella for him.
    So maybe jaspers obsession with the hunt is that they’ve been his “singers”

  4. I love that it’s pretty much universally accepted that the side characters in twilight are far more interesting than Edward and Bella. It’s hilarious, but it also opens such a world of fanfiction. In fact, Twilight was the thing that introduced me to fanfiction when I was in middle school because I wanted to read more stories about Alice and Jasper.

  5. Yes, I did know about Alice, James and the older friendly vampire. But I did not know about Alice's father killing her mother. Did she hunt her father when she became a vampire?


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