When did your "SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE" Feeling turn out to be TRUE – Reddit Podcast

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24 thoughts on “When did your "SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG HERE" Feeling turn out to be TRUE – Reddit Podcast”

  1. A couple summers back me and my cousin went to a night swim (it was around 4am at the time. We had done this time and time again and there were Rarely any people around which was normal in our small village.)

    We were walking home and decided to make a stop at a closed store front. (Which again was normal for us)

    We had a clear view to a road which most truckers and night drivers took. We decided to lighten any truckers night by waving and just being goofy next to the road.

    We did this for a while but due to the lack of cars and being tired already we decided to wait for one last car and head home.

    We hear a car driving closer by the road and as it passes by we wave and started being goofy. The driver slowed down and I started feeling weird so I ushered my cousin to leave and we start walking off. What stung me as weird was the fact that the driver sped off once we started leaving..

    I had a weird feeling and I told my cousin to book it. We ran to a nearby school and hid in some pushes.

    My gut feeling was right. He had speed off and done a loop to drive to where we would have been walking just a second ago.

    We stayed hidden in the bush and that same car kept looping around the area. Clearly looking for us.

    We stayed hidden until we were certain he had left.

    Never saw that car again. The next morning we asked my parents if they knew anyone who owned the car (it’s a small village and everybody knows everyone)

    Nobody knew and it was safe to bet the driver was not from around here. I still think what would have happened if I didn’t trust my gut..

    We stopped going alone unless we had a group with us..

  2. Since the same thing happened like twice but both different ending ill give a summary and explain the differences after.

    Two of my friends had developeding feelings for a guy (both different) all our mutuals kept telling them something felt off about the guys. The friends would come to me asking if i could meet the guy as a neutral 3rd partly cause wasnt involved in the situation yet. I agree meet the the guys and from the moment the guys would simply say "Hi" my alarm bells were going insane! One was so bad I felt like I was about to passout.

    So what happened?

    Well the first Guy I learned was Grooming a child and was abusing his adult girlfriend. The friend didn't see the issues with him. Became a big reason I cut her off a year after.

    The 2nd The one That i nearly fainted from I learned right after I just left had a history of Abuseing his partner, a serial cheater and was protecting SEVERAL pedofiles. One of my friends reserving a google drive with TONS of screenshots of this. I wasn't allowed to see it cause of my own trauma related some of the stuff the drive contained. Several friends saw it before even meeting the guy and we're pissed the friend even had me meet the guy and more angry when she yelled at me for leaving cause "They all all lying he hasn't done anything!" Cut her off right after this.
    Edit-Remembered after posting The friend was given the google drive with the evidence but, refused to even open it!

  3. I still remember the one time I was a teen and I was with my parents in our car, going back home, under really heavy rain. My father was stubborn and drove, even under low visibility due to the rain, and, at one point, I pretty much yelled at him to stop the car. He, surprisingly enough, listened to me, only for us to see a tree fall right before us. He had to take a detour back home, but Holy Moly.

  4. I've had this feeling before but in my situation i wasn't the hero i could have been. we were riding some 4 wheelers with a party of another 4 4 wheelers behind us and my mom was driving while I was passenger. we are on this trail and everything is fine until we get to this one narly part that shouldn't be this bad. as it turns out, a water stream had been going through for at least a month just following the length of the trail for abt 20 ft. my mom goes over it perfectly but damn I was freaked by it, this is where my gut tells me to tell my mom to stop so I can stop and warn the others before they come to that part of the trail but I don't. we drive up a bit then stop and wait… too long. the person behind us. my stepdad as passenger and my step sister driving. we waited until finally one of the other people in the party comes up to get us. he says that they got hurt. only minor bruising to my sister but my step dads arm was broken. I regret not telling my mom to stop immediately so I could warn them. always listen to your gut!

  5. Got a few.
    First time, switched schools to one in the suburbs.
    Was walking to the buss when the "something is wrong" feeling hit me… saw people more or less in unison start moving indoors, i turned around and went in to a store…
    A few seconds later a car speeds through the area (not a road) quickly followed by the police.
    A few seconds later every one was back out as if nothing happened…

    Same start as the last…
    I no store near, some woman motioned me to get inside (her home) i followed.
    Moments later? a group of young men runs through the area, guns drawn, followed by another group of young men once again. did not hear a shot, but got treated to tea and baklava, nice lady, met her a few times and had tea at her place (i was around 12-14?)

    Third time, stopped to help a car that had broken down.
    The lady in the car opens her door and i get the feeling, catch something in the side of my eye, i slam her door shut and jump up on the hood, another car trades paint with her car…
    Bricks were laid…

    Last time i had this feeling?
    I get the feeling, look up from my phone. i see some guy is glaring daggers at me, i do the "sup" nod, he responds and i go back to my phone.
    Guy starts walking towards me, some one shouts something from a balcony, the guy looks up, looks at me, goes back to his spot and keeps an eye on me til my friend shows up and we leave… as we move away i see that he has a gun in his waistband…
    No idea what happened but im sure the guy at the balcony some how saved me from the very least a bad encounter.

  6. My dad has a story for this:

    Back when he was in his twenties his mom, my grandmother, was suffering from complications of severe rheumatism and something called bechterews disease, which basically confined her to a wheelchair, for the last years of her life, while her health slowly deterioated.
    It was the first week of a new job my dad had started and he knew he had to make a good impression on his boss. Still when he woke up on only his third day on the job, he had an incredibly strong feeling that he should go see his mom that day. My dad has never been religous or spiritual, but he can't explain where that feeling came from. Reluctantly he called in sick and went to see his mother. The way he tells it, as soon as he saw her, he knew she didn't have more than a few hours left. He immediatly called his two brothers, having to struggle to get a hold of them (before cellphones) and even had to yell at one of them to convince him he was serious. She held on for about 4 hours, just long enough for the last brother to make it there, and died surrounded by her three sons, just after what would've been my dads lunch break, had he gone to work.

  7. Your mom used to tell guys she they didn't need a condom because she was on the pill. I had a bad feeling, so I used a rubber. Your dad hit that an hour later and she trapped him.

  8. This wasn't my story but I heard from a kid in school
    He woke up one night at like 3am to banging. He looked out the window and say the lights on in his neighbours house, and he thought they came back from vacation so he went back to sleep. I believe he said something about not recognizing the van in the driveway but it's been so long I could be misremembering
    The family came back the next day to find the entire house cleared
    He says he felt really bad but didn't say anything as frankly what do you say

    My story was much, much less interesting
    I went out driving a while ago like I normally do in the summer (car spotting) and had a really bad feeling that I shouldn't go. No idea why but I ignored it
    When I was on my way home I saw a car with its trunk open so I pulled over and waited a few minutes (we've had stuff stolen from our car bringing things into the house). No one came out so I got out to close it, and when I did my foot slipped and destroyed my favourite flip flops. Made driving home very fun since my car is a manual
    Still closed the trunk I'm no monster

  9. I've had a bunch of times in my life when I get a sudden "DANGER!" feeling, all hairs stood on end and all that.

    it's generally nothing as dramatic as all this, just immediately stumble in the first direction to come to mind to avoid something dangerous that I hadn't noticed, I'm literally incapable of ignoring it, it's automatic and pure instinct and have saved my life multiple times (I tend to be rather oblivious to my surroundings if something catches my focus. let's just say that I've gotten this a lot while crossing the road). sometimes it'll be a bit more complicated and basically starts spamming me but those are just times that I've really messed up and need more than 1 movement to get out of trouble.

    it's not always correct. sometimes it'll just go off only for nothing to happen, but it's never exactly inconvenienced me. worst case scenario I get a few odd looks. a fair price to pay for it regularly saving my life.

  10. One comes to mind immediately this teacher in the 5th grade always gave me the worst feeling, it was a feeling of "something is very wrong with this man", I felt weird talking to him, like I should be afraid, I come to find out he was making adult videos with the non adult students, last I heard he's in prison, I only wish I would have spoken up to someone about it, can't help but feel like I could have prevented alot

  11. One time I was home alone and heard something so I went and got my airsoft gun (they look realistic and I thought I would just scare off whatever was there with the noises it makes when its not loaded with pellets) and I saw two guys with knives, they thought the gun was real and droped the knives and I saw they had zip ties so I told them to tie themselves together while the police came, turns out they were human traficers which is why they had zip ties and if I had not goten my airsoft gun they would have probably overpowered me.


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