What's the problem with electric cars?

I talk to Geoff from Geoff Buys Cars about the future of electric cars and the national plan to force everyone into them by 2030.

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#electriccars #2030 #netzero


47 thoughts on “What's the problem with electric cars?”

  1. I own an EV and it works great. The video is full of disinformation and ignores the facts. You should definitely buy the car that suits your needs, of course. However, the average journey by car in the UK is 8 miles which an EV can manage at a fuel cost of less than one third of petrol or diesel. Most owners will charge at home and more homes, even in flats and on the street, will have chargers.

  2. "We want you out of your cars"! That hits the nail on the head. Like it or not, there are too many cars on the roads. Look at how many people have to park their vehicles illegally on kerbs and footpaths. That can't go on indefinitely. Like all of you, I love my car, but I am willing to accept that I have been privileged to drive around freely for over 50 years but if I am forced either financially or with legal threats in order to "Save the Planet", then so be it. God only knows where we are headed though!

  3. The move to electric is to get rid of the majority of people owning their own vehicle. It's another scam by the government and the globalists to get people onto public transport. Where's the democratic vote on this by the way?

  4. I believe that the market for EVs will saturate and soften a lot quicker than big government would like to admit. There will likely be greater incentives to encourage a few more buyers but in the end this will not be the big correction that it is being hyped to be. No matter what pressure that will eventually be exerted on the car market you just aren't going to tell the drivers at large what they should be driving.

  5. We got offered a great deal on leasing an electric car due to tax relief so we got one . They are a nightmare . Everything you say is true . One other thing if you didn't mention it , they are way too fast . I'm an older driver but if you start getting boy racers in these heavy cars then good luck when they start crashing the 3 tonne monsters . You can get up to 70 mph in a matter of seconds and it doesn't feel like you are going fast at all inside. Still works out good for us though . I expect I will be getting rid when the lease runs out as they will probably get rid of the tax benefits.

  6. Great video… One thing though, with reference to the 100 car journeys. This will be an allocation of a paid for (via your taxes/community charge) 'community resource'…. You won't own a private car. Private ownership is going the way of the dinosaurs.

  7. Best vlog ive seen on EV,s telling the truth for a change. People are being brain washed and forced into buying Electric vehicles on the assumsion of saving the planet and not realising that building and powering these vehicles causes more harm enviromentally. The lithium batteries can be explosive and what generates the elecricity to charge them. If the public are concerned about fracking to get gas and oil near their homes, how are they going to feel about a nuclear power station on their door step!!!. Geoff has pointed out that new houses are not built with charging points as there is not sufficient energy in the national grid. Solar and wind farms are not the answer as the energy has to be stored somewhere, more batteries!!!!

  8. 'They' are anticipating a VAST reduction in the populous from the you know what hence why there will be enough of these precious metals for their needs for these batteries…..

  9. The new idea you cant buy x y z…
    You must understand the idea …
    Getting you out of your car ..pricing you out …badgering you out…
    These nutty green zealots see it as a near religious no compromise course…

  10. ALL paths,roads,rivers,canals are "Shipping lanes". As a non commercial vehicle (Not a corporate entity) they've no lawful authority over you as a Man. But you licensed (contracted) with them and they have the authority through people's ignorance.
    It's a Human Rights/Common Law issue of freedom of movement.
    ^ Maritime law relates to most of your life. It's worth a tinfoil hat weekend learning some.

  11. I guess a majority of folk have got themselves a really nice and reliable second hand car with no doubt a good service history. Who in their right mind would buy a second hand electric car in future (let alone a new one) not knowing what the state of the batteries are and how long they're going to last. Aye, the government are already starting to put a squeeze on the EV gangs wallet for "VED" (road tax, as most of us call it) very soon as they're feeling a wee pinch on their "PINCH" or should I say robbery on the tax we pay for the fuel we buy. How much is a ride on the Dodgems these days in the Houses Of Parliament, and do they have them " kiss me " sorry I meant "kick me out quick" hats for sale ?.

  12. To make electric infrastructure we will spend more money from our taxes then we can save with electric cars and on the end electric will be not for everyone. Too expensive and not enough materials available for them. Utterly nonsense.

  13. Maybe Richard is good idea to show electric car owners how we getting cobalt in Africa. Maybe their stupid impression of saving planet will go away, not even talking about slavery condition of people working there, mostly under age.

  14. Electric cars nonsense is huge rip off taxpayers on front of our eyes, it will continue as long as we allowing this and on the end they will say to us this was a failure with pockets full of our money.

  15. The aim of EV's is to end dependence on fossil fuels. So once we've stopped using fossil fuels and killed the industry and all the jobs what do we use to tarmac our roads with?

  16. The thing with why they most likely dont build in suffcient supply for EV charging in new houses are that their ultimate goal is that “you will own nothing and be happy´ and they thereby forcing most people to use busses and trains only for transportation and they can then blaim it on "we dont have the infrastructure or capacity for charging personal vehicles . / CO2 is good for all living beings , the more better!

  17. I really think your missing the point both of you, you are not going to have a car or a house, go and take a look at the supercity they are wanting to build in saudi arabia, I think one planned in holland too, you know buying up the farmland via compulsory purchase order , all you need under one roof, you know like Phoenix Nights with a sarolium 😁 if you think thats odd go and look at some of the strange legislation being brought in by probably all governments about leaving your house when your told to, youre all going to be living in a huge prison that encompasses everything, you will not need a car or a house. Go enlighten yourselves, look at some of the things they are proposing around bringing your house up to spec for it to be deemed environmentally friendly and how much it's going to cost most people will not even be able to afford to bring it up to spec what happens then, youre all going to be living on top of each other in a huge glass structure, hence the push for mandatory vaccinations and digital ID just go look for the info it's all out there. WAKE UP BOTH OF YOU, YOU ARE REALLY TALKING ABOUT THE WRONG TOPICS, IT'S FUTURE GENERATIONS THAT WILL PAY NOT US.

  18. I have never learnt to drive, but when travelling to work by bus it would be full and standing by all sorts of people. I understand there were about 20 million at the time about half of now . I understand the population was smaller but I wonder if the government would like to go back to that by cost or by them saying who needs one. The cost to the close to 50% without drives garages having to use public chargers all the time.

  19. Please don’t conflate CO2 snd emissions! CO2 is plant food not a pollutant (yes I know the US reclassified it as such but that was fraudulent).

    Apparently the batteries cannot be recycled!!!

    Not to mention there is not enough rare earth minerals to make the batteries!

    Oh and the globalist psychopaths don’t want you snd I to have private cars anyway!!!

  20. The media are drip feeding the population on these things.
    If you tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth?
    The sheep will obey and buy one, one up man ship and class also helps!

  21. The reason you both can't make any sense of this is because you are missing the crucial point. The government doesn't want you driving any car! They don't want you leaving your 15 minute district. When you understand this then everything makes sense.

  22. Geoff's video about royal mail also makes complete sense if you understand that the plan is to have us all in 15 minute districts. One 'electric' van will deliver to a hub in each district. You then will be expected to collect that parcel from the "hub" as it will be within your 15 minute vicinity. So basically one electric van could cover an entire city, meaning that royal mail would actually be scaling back their fleet rather than replacing each and every vehicle. This can all be achieved with a social credit score system that covid and the lockdowns have been pivotal in introducing the concept to the masses and creating the foundation for such a system. Covid was the gift that.keeps giving for the global elite and eco warrior cultists.


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