What is the most shocking thing you’ve seen an adult do?


35 thoughts on “What is the most shocking thing you’ve seen an adult do?”

  1. "Huh whats this? Mother in shock from daughter just being killed, Hmmmmm, this is a good time to show my toddler about road crossing safety" Old people are jewels of the planet.

  2. As someone who nearly died from getting hit by a car. I am very much on Grandmom’s side. Wasn’t the point to hurt anyone, but to drive that memory deep home. You really do have a higher chance of dying crossing the street than you do on a roller coaster.

  3. Dude if I had just lost my kid and then someone did that I would punch the shit of them no matter what male or female cuz either way that’s a dick move and you deserve to be punched that’s all assuming that it’s a real story lmao it’s Reddit so you never know😭

  4. Ok so, I know everyone is objecting to the old lady's method of teaching, but there's a possibility that she had tried other methods before with the child and it just kept going into the street. Sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures.

  5. That’s a lesson that little girl will never forget great parenting on the part of the grandmother. If you can’t teach your children to not run out onto the road or be aware of their surroundings and their child dies, they should be held fully responsible.

  6. What? The old lady is right… Her nephew will definitely not die on the crosswalk because he will look 10 times before crossing, as should the mother of the dead child.

  7. Idgaf who you are, Out of pure rahe and disgust, I'd have punched the poor dumbass and wailed " And THAT'S WHAT HAPPENS when you act like a senseless, heartless LIVING Sack of Waste! Now pull yourself together and go be mentally unhinged somewhere else before I send you to go apologize to the poor girl in person! "

  8. My sister was hit by a truck (she survived), it was sheet raining at night and we parked across the street from the small concert venue we were going to and looked both ways before crossing. A guy in a truck WITHOUT HIS LIGHTS ON blew past and struck her. He only came back after he saw his mirror was missing. Then proceeded to come in and yell at my sister that she was drunk or high. It took a team of band dudes and metal heads to get the guy out and the cops called.


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