We’re Getting a Second Opinion


43 thoughts on “We’re Getting a Second Opinion”

  1. Great job getting Ringo & Voodo medicated first try – if the hardness of the concrete floor turn out to show arthritis – do you think maybe putting thick rubber horseshoes on him (something to provide cushioned support) might be an option? We humans buy ‘orthopedic’ shoes for our painful feet & hips, just a thought when I saw his hip muscles contract & strain when he stepped up & forward. Really great job Jami. Blessings & Prayers up for both Ringo & Voodo🪶

  2. If you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour please call on him to forgive your sins and save you. Its not enough to just know his name. He tells us in his word that the demons know his name and tremble. We have to have a relationship with him. We talk to him, read the Bible, his word, and obey him. When you have a problem who do you run to first for help. It should be the Lord. Do we show him we love him by obeying him. We should follow the example he gave us of how we live. We should be pleasing to the Father. And without Jesus you cannot please the Father. We have a choice to make. Heaven or hell? You will not be going to Heaven unless you go with the Son of God. Jesus loves you. Do you love him?

  3. Oh Jami I am so sorry Voodoo is feeling so bad I am glad you are getting a second opinion! I have that really bad swelling! I was talking to my son about it and dang he said that is not swelling it just Fat ! Let me tell you I told him he sure has a lot more swelling around the waistline than I
    Do ! Well my daughter in law heard that and she started laughing so hard !😂🤣😂🤣. My son and couldn’t help but laugh at our selves !

    I sure hope it is just a little extra fat on Voodoo ! Prayers 🙏🏼🥰❤️. For everyone including human big and small even feathered babies ! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 and more !

  4. I think I asked before, you mentioned no shade in the pasture. Can you bring a few (small one) trees that your going to cut down from L.L.,to plant there?
    Don't know if that saves or easier to just buy a few.🤷‍♀️
    Sure hope Vodo is OK.

  5. Jamie don’t know if you know I got a Email from suits and boats say that you are given away a gift I didn’t open it It didn’t sound wright just let you know the first one I got was from Bri same thing be careful.

  6. Do you think it could be that Buckee's kicked him or shoved him into something playing? Maybe he got a bruise that's swelled up? That might cause him to walk strangely. Poor guy! Glad the Dr. will be able to come out with the x-ray machine. Hopefully be able to get to the bottom of his problem soon and get him on the mend soon. Prayers for Voodo!

  7. I haven’t watch the rest of the video yet, but I have to say from watching doc pol over the years, there are Rumans that do get colic/bloat. And it can come from too much certain food. I mean I’ve heard him say that before and I’ve seen they have to put a tube/hose down the horses throat to stomach to drain the air out or sometimes they put a syringe in the side of the animal to get the air out. I’ll finish watching the video to see what happens. But I thought I would say this before I forget

  8. I have medicated 100's of goats and horses. The easiest way is to crush the pill(s) on a paper plate. Pour it into the barrel of a 3 or 6 cc syringe. Add plunger. Suck up a bit of warm water. Shake to melt the crushed pills. Shoot in mouth like womer

  9. Jami, just a helpful hint. When giving a horse a paste med, you'll usually be more successful if you make sure he hasn't eaten anything for 10 mins or so before administering the med. A lot of horses chew and hold food in their mouth for several minutes before swallowing. This makes it VERY easy for them to use that mouthful to push the med and spit it out. But if the mouth is completely empty when you administer the sticky paste, and you place it as far back on the tongue as possible, there's a much better chance of him swallowing the paste without spitting any out.


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