Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect 3: The Mission on Mars

In Mass Effect Legendary Edition Mass Effect 3 The Mission on Mars with Immortal Gamer:

While commander Shepard is on his way to Citadel hoping for their help against the Reaper, Admiral Hackett contacts him and gives him an important task. In the past 6 month, Admiral Hackett did find some new intel from the Prothean archives on the Mars. Apparently this intel was about a device powerful enough to kill Reapers, but the Prothean ran out of time and the device remained incomplete. Admiral Hackett was working with Liara Tsoni, the new Shadow Broker to finish this project. Now commander Shepard is tasked to extract Liara Tsoni and the intel from Mars.

Commander Shepard lands the Alliance base on Mars with James and Ashley as his support. The Alliance base is empty and there is a big sand storm approaching. That means they have to act fast. Commander Shepard, James and Ashley start searching for the base’s entrance. Suddenly they here a some gunshots. Commander Shepard goes to investigate.

Turns out that Cerberus has attacked the base and now their killing every soldier or personal there. This attack with the little forces they have couldn’t be this successful with out a mole inside. For a short time Ashley starts complaining that commander Shepard could have knew something about this and all, but commander Shepard calms her down.

Commander Shepard, James and Ashley enter the base. Suddenly they hear some voices from the ventilation system as if there are people inside it. A little bit later Liara Tsoni comes out from the ventilation system and shots two Cerberus soldiers that were following her inside the ventilation system. Commander Shepard goes and start talking with Liara Tsoni. Liara tells commander Shepard about the project Admiral Hackett mentioned. The project is at the archives right now and reaching there is a hell of race with Cerberus soldiers.

Commander Shepard sends James back to the shuttle for air support if they would need it. Commander Shepard himself goes for the archives with Ashley and Liara as his escorts now, but there is a big problem that needs solving too. The mole could be anywhere and anyone.


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Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a compilation of the video games in the Mass Effect trilogy: Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 who were developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts at 2021.

The story of Mass Effect 3 is the β€˜epic conclusion’ to the story started in Mass Effect and continued in Mass Effect 2, as well as the conclusion of Commander Shepard’s story. The player’s choices in the previous games are expected to have a much more significant impact on the plot than the choices in Mass Effect had on Mass Effect 2. As Mass Effect 3 is the end of the planned trilogy, the developers are not constrained by the necessity of allowing the story to diverge, yet also continue into the next chapter. This will result in a story that diverges into wildly different conclusions based on the player’s actions in the first two chapters

Time Stamps Chapters:
0:00 – Intro
0:40 – Uncertainty
1:25 – A task from Admiral Hackett
2:15 – To Mars
3:15 – Mars the red planet
5:10 – Exploring the base on mars
6:10 – Cerberus on Alliance base
8:20 – Getting into base and Ashley’s problems
9:45 – Liara Tsoni
10:30 – Talking Liara Tsoni and the research
13:15 – Cerberus attacks
15:00 – Searching the base for a way to the archives I
15:40 – Fighting Cerberus soldiers I
16:05 – Access to the systems
17:50 – Searching the base for a way to the archives II
19:00 – Cerberus
20:15 – Dr. Eva, the mole
22:05 – Searching the base for a way to the archives III
23:15 – Pushing Cerberus soldiers back
26:15 – Ashley Williams
27:05 – The Machine Gun and Cerberus soldiers
29:00 – Finding a way to get into the archives
31:15 – Laying a trap
32:10 – Fight
36:00 – The archives
36:30 – The Illusive man has gone mad
39:40 – Dr. Eva
40:00 – Following Dr. Eva
41:20 – James’ epic entrance
42:0:5 – Dr. Eva was robot
42:25 – Ashley no
43:05 – Escaping



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