Viscosity & Stone | Sci-fi Short Audiobook

“We were tough people—the kind of people who could stand in the darkness and cold for a year at a time and think: This is the place for me, hard in the dark of space.”

Thanks to everyone who voted in January’s audience-selected topic poll!

Also check out Isaac Arthur’s take on this topic on SFIA!
Written toward the topic: “Space Homesteading”

If you prefer to read rather than listen or would like to read along, full text of this and all my Sci-Fi Weeklies are available through my Substack:

Misfits Season 1 Complete Audiobook:

Rowe’s Bookstore:

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More on this project:

For the serious writers out there: Mechanics of Fiction Writing Series
About Rowe Writes:

About this project: I am writing a weekly sci-fi story to the theme of Isaac Arthur’s SFIA videos. It’s a crazy challenging timeframe to create a good short story in, and to do so publicly is even more daunting. I’m just hoping some good stories come out of this, I have fun writing them, and most importantly, the audience enjoys!

Thanks for stopping by!

Outro music: “Numb” by xander x Carrick – courtesy of Lofi Records:

Numb – xander x Carrick
– Provided by Lofi Records
– Watch:
– Listen:


48 thoughts on “Viscosity & Stone | Sci-fi Short Audiobook”

  1. Viscosity & Stone was a comfortable yet engaging narrative.
    Save the Power
    Save the Lady
    Save the Artist
    Artist saves the Stone
    I like it. If your thinking of continuing with these people you have my vote.
    Looking forwards to more of the Misfits.

  2. Any superlatives would just be platitudinous ( for want of a better word – I hope I spelt it right too!).
    Anything I could say has in all likelihood been said already in the comments below, so I'll just say thanks for latest offering. 👌

  3. Great stuff as always. I'm continually amazed that you can make your dialogue feel so natural. I've known many down to earth country folk and high society metropolitans. You have an uncanny mastery of the vernacular of both.

  4. Yet another beautifully fleshed out character. I know that I'm repeating myself, but I can't say it enough, I love this universe that you have created. Thank you so much for the stories. My daughter and son in law are new fans of yours. We enjoy talking about the Misfits universe on the weekends.

  5. Wonderfull again mate, I would like Jenna from surety s future as a topic, I cant wait for nore misfits. Also, Transom seeing Lineas work, and being transfomed by it.. to the other fans, please send. A donation to our rising star.

  6. Thank you for this beautiful story.. as artist we get caught up in our work and in life and we need to be reminded why we do it and why art important .i enjoy all your stories but this one particularly moved me so thank you again.

  7. Man I really enjoy your stories and I love how you revisit places and characters at different points in their lives. I look forward to Thursdays. Your stories have the feel of an old TV show I liked as a kid called Amazing stories. Heart humor and hope. Keep it up please!

  8. Another excellent addition to this Universe. I often wonder which planet I would like to live on. Which society Athos, , the letters, a traveling ship to live in. There are so many to choose from. This remote place is definitely On my list.

  9. A story of kindness to a stranger; the perfect homesteading theme! Practical help, emotional comfort and huge encouragement.
    They know nothing of her work in the Salt mine, of her loss.
    "The Lord restores the years that the Locusts have eaten" Joel 2:25.
    I can imagine during the long winter, the homesteaders gathering for company with many opportunities to learn each one's history as they share their stories.
    Your characters are so natural they feel like familiar friends.
    I can only continue to offer my gratitude for the magic.

  10. Your story writing never fails to amaze and enthral me. The way your words draw me in completely is so compelling, nomatter the story. This one is a great follow up to "The Salt Mine" where all her art had been so violently destroyed, which left me profoundly sad for her and how I would feel if that was me. Thank you for publishing these stories on you tube, they are a real treat for myself, my friends, who have now subscibed to your channel, and all the other folks who are gradually finding your work. Muchas gracias mi amigo.

  11. I love your stories. I have to say that this is the best one yet. The whole time I was listening to it I was thinking of my friend who is a fine artist. I will be sharing this with her.


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