The Hub: Carl Gutierrez & Juan Carlos Benitez

The Hub: Carl Gutierrez & Juan Carlos Benitez


8 thoughts on “The Hub: Carl Gutierrez & Juan Carlos Benitez”

  1. What is this fool Juan Carlos talking about the federal relief bill failed and thats why LEAP was not enough? The efforts to provide more relief from federal dollars was because of the congressional REPUBLICANS blocked the bill – efforts he endorsed and praised! That's why the bill to provide more help failed…Republicans killed it. What a shameless hypocrite and bald-faced liar!

  2. Carl is in such an argumentative stage that he’d never listen or try to mellow down his rhetoric.. my gosh my golly.. we all know you were once “the” governor, but give chance for others to finish their statement, don’t act like a mad dog fighting for the only bone in the pet food bowl.

  3. sorry Carl, but i think Guam needs to go back to basics. instead of spending all that money on one gimmicky "smart park", it's better to spread it around the island and clean up and renovate all the derelict places. some of these places have been junky for years !! how embarrassing !! have you guys been down to Tanguissan lately ? it looks like the kind of place you might film a horror movie, where campers get murdered. as i was leaving i saw some tourists going the other way toward the beach and i felt like stopping them lol


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