UPDATED: Stepson Abandons Wife & Kids At My Doorstep For 9 Years & Then Comes Back And Demands I Pay

UPDATED: Stepson Abandons Wife And Kids At My Doorstep For 9 Years & Then Comes Back And Demands I Pay Him For The Caretaking Services.. I Slap Him With A Court Case

Interested in getting your story featured on AniNarrates? Then send it to [email protected] and I’ll be more than happy to share it on my channel and I’ll also give my personal opinions to it in the end!

Just to get this clear, I have never been really close to my stepson, Mike. I got married to his father when he was 21 and had already moved out of the house. I would only see him during the holidays or some special occasion. He was never really a nice guy. His father tried his best to help him but could not do much.

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26 thoughts on “UPDATED: Stepson Abandons Wife & Kids At My Doorstep For 9 Years & Then Comes Back And Demands I Pay”

  1. Natalia's got some mental issues she stayed married to a guy for 9 years that abandoned her abused her abuse the children starve them and she didn't want to divorce him even though she knew he was a criminal she needs a psychiatrist

  2. I think the grooms mother wasn’t upset about the outfit but since she doesn’t know western weddings it’s probably her race that the mother didn’t like, which is why she used the word exotic and not “you’re overdressed”

  3. I hate to be this way, but those women who continue to think their abusive parents will change are really, really awful, pathetic excuses of mothers. She is allowing her fucking children to continue seeing this horrible spawn of satan, who not only abused her so many times, but also abused those poor babies enough that they’ll have so much work to not feel so scared every five seconds, thinking he’ll change, but she needs to think very hard about the damage he’s doing. After update, IT TOOK HER THAT FUCKING LONG TO REALIZE WHAT HUMAN WASTE HE IS??? He had abused them for so long, she finally opened her eyes after he hit his kid in front of her?! I don’t care if she finally got out, too little too late!

  4. Story 1 nta. Definitely sue him, not sure if I would but depending how much she gets, how much the loan was, and if op needs the money she could give step daughter in law the money, all if it doesn't cover the loan or if it's more than enough give her enough to pay it. She can even say it's from late husband for his grandkids. Obviously best would be to get step son to pay but he never will and since it's been 9 years I doubt they could even make him if she changed her mind.

  5. Story 1: I smell BS, how could the Husband have "Left everything to me" and also "given him half the farmhouse" in his will? On top of that he couldn't dell the property without your approval since he didn't own it 100%.

    Story 2: NTA, the MIL is just a racist, ageist and/or sexist B*(&t.

    Story 3: NTA, if they didn't get the bride and groom's permission, then they were flat out AH's

  6. Call your cousin, her husband & her family & explain that you had no idea your parents were doing that & that the birthday party was supposed to be the next week. Tell them you got after your parents & now they’re mad at YOU.

  7. The Wedding Birthday had absolutely nothing to do with OP. Whichever of his parents is the brother or sister of OPs cousins parents was doing that to have a go at their sibling. That was done intentionally to be a slap in the face to the Bride or Grooms Parents. They must be narcissists. No one is so dumb that they don't know that what they did was a massively low class thing to do.

  8. Natalia shouldn't pay for that debt that Mike caused. Mike committed identity fraud and financial fraud, and that's on him to pay not her. She should have divorced Mike years ago. I hope Mike stays in prison for a very long time.

  9. Story 1: Natalia was a moron to not sue him for fraud. I don’t respect people that try to color a person better than they are despite proof. Also the fact that he didn’t kill the both of them when he heard he was getting sued makes it clear the story is false.

  10. It's sad that she kept her rose colored glasses on for 9 YEARS! Why she kept believing he'd return and be a loving caring person again is a mystery. But the moment he slapped her kid, he also slapped those rose colored glasses off her face finally. It was in that moment she woke up from her dream world she built up in her head.


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