Trump’s Triumph: Facing Bias and Winning Against All Odds

In this electrifying episode, I’m diving into the intense battle Trump faced during the latest debate, exposing media bias and hidden strategies. Discover why Trump’s resilience and JD Vance’s VP potential could shake up the political landscape!

Podcast Episode 1430: Trump’s Triumph: Facing Bias and Winning Against All Odds | don’t miss this! Listen to more episodes of the Lance Wallnau Show at


27 thoughts on “Trump’s Triumph: Facing Bias and Winning Against All Odds”

  1. I'm sure Biden had the questions in advance and studied for weeks. When the mic was muted he was being prepped. He was machine gun firing answers to the very first question without having to give a thought to the question he was asked. Lol

  2. The Deep State already knew Joe was losing his cognitive mind. They are still on there planned agenda. So what’s there next move, someone like Galvin Newsom will probably be in the wings. Guessing the VP will also be on her way out. Me personally, I see there next play as to cancel the next election. How can they possibly do that. Our economy is recked and anytime any nation needs to generate money, they go to war. This year, every young American was just automatically enlisted in the draft. All they need for there agenda, is to eliminate the USA. There plan is on schedule, however they forgot that this land just like Israel, has covenants declared with God. Our red sea moment will be amazing. Cant wait to see how God will bring this to light. Psalms 91

  3. Revisit question # 1 that started with Biden. Not I, nor a 20 yr old could be quick to respond without a second lapse if he wasn't prepped in advance. He lost all credibility in my sight thereafter as I knew this too was rigged. He's only cognitive when the parties life is on the line. The American population that believes in Him are in the depths of deception. It is really sad but I pray that God will shine his spotlight into the hearts of those lost sheep who are about to step off the cliff w him and those leading him. Awaken them all and turn our nation around. Deliver us from our destructions and have mercy on us as a nation.


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