How WWE Almost RUINED Cody Rhodes Against All Odds

Andy and Michael are back with an afternoon NEWS BLAST, featuring:

00:00 – The Rundown
00:41 – How WWE Almost RUINED WrestleMania 40
08:50 – “NO DIRECTION” For Cody Rhodes
13:48 – Top WWE Star Re-Signs
16:39 – Where In The World Is Bryan Danielson?

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31 thoughts on “How WWE Almost RUINED Cody Rhodes Against All Odds”

  1. A Rock vs. Roman "dream" Mania match would've been fine if the Undisputed title wasn't involved. But its inclusion meant that the match would've practically had no stakes. If Rock had won, he would've just promptly dropped the belt as soon as he needed to head back to Hollywood, and that would've undercut the historic weight of the title change and Roman's record title run. If Roman had won (which was a more likely result), he would've disappeared with the belt for months on end yet again. Both outcomes would've been completely deflating for the fans because it was terribly predictable no matter who won.

    It also reeked of Vince-level booking, where the old legends come back and embarassingly bury the current talent for the nostalgia bait. What would it have said about everyone else on the roster if a 51 year-old who hasn't wrestled in over a decade can just show up and beat your god-tier champion? I don't care if it's "THE ROCK." It makes everyone else look pathetic and weak. Everyone remembers Oldberg squashing The Fiend in mere seconds, and they're tired of the current stars getting humiliated by past-their-prime retirees who are there seemingly just to relive their glory days for a big payday.

    And that is why it pissed off so many people when Rock tried to big-time Cody out of the spot he had rightfully earned. Investing so much time to build Cody up to that moment and even having him win the Rumble for the second straight year only to make him look like a wimp by deferring his Mania spot to Rock was a disservice to him and everyone who actually cares about long-term storytelling. And there was absolutely no way that the Philly crowd were going to not shit all over a Rock vs. Roman match after that. If you thought the "Beat The Traffic" chants from Roman vs. Brock at Mania 34 were bad… 😬

  2. Triple H is an overrated booker. People just hated vince so much the guy got good will. NXT when it went to two hours was boring af and it's basically the same thing I'm seeing on WWE now. The bloodline really did run the show for a while. Cody finishing the story is the beginning of the boring era lol.

  3. With how many times Meltzer has been wrong, why do these channels still act like his "news" is true? Especially when it comes to WWE and especially since the company was sold.

  4. Y’all can’t be this slow😂 WWE invested money into the Cody finishing the storyline angle WWE2K24 the whole storyline about what and who🤔 Merch was already made for who with what on it🤔

  5. I'm sure they had like 30 different ideas before they decided on what they did it doesn't mean it was ever gonna happen. If Dave came out with it you can't believe any of it someone could have said this idea came up today today and he'd think it was the plan even if it was discussed and shot down in 5 minutes

  6. That conception of "decline of ratings & attendances" under Cody's tenure as the Champion, is pure bulls**t, manipulative & so stupid at the first place. Such slightest of the slight up & down always happens. Even when Roman had been the champ, at many occasions the ratings & attendances declined, and so during the time Rock stayed for weeks after his return. They don't stay stable.

    Into the build of WM 40,it'd been 'SOLD OUT' after 'SOLD OUT' because of the outstanding & great storytelling, NOT because of the Rock or Roman.

    In fact, since CODY HAS RETURNED TO WWE in 2022,the ratings & attendances have got BOOSTED UP CONSTANTLY. And, despite being a FULL-TIME WORKHORSE – Unlike Roman & Rock & so many others, whenever & wherever CODY GOES, that show, that arena, stadium, GETS FULLY SOLD OUT & the ratings GO UP. And, that's not a joke to do, if you're a FULL-TIMER. But, CODY has made it POSSIBLE.

    And, surely, his REIGN as the WWE CHAMPION will go down as one of the BEST & MOST MEMORABLE & GREATEST ones in the history. No doubt about it.

    And, you really think otherwise, you really haven't, or don't, at all, understand the PRO WRESTLING.

  7. Listen, if you dON'T consider the amount of ads that air during the 3-hour long RAW (which, of course, you CAN'T), the talent on Raw is stacked, the storytelling is, has been better, sensible & QUALITY ever since HHH took over, there are many good stories to be told, and the roster is CRAZILY STACKED.

    Even though Cody's place is & WILL ALWAYS be IRREPLACEABLE & UNTOUCHED on RAW, you can't say now it's "ROUGH" to watch. Because as I said above – there are so many good stories, so stacked roster.

    Yeah, of course, ads make it a bit ROUGH as they really break the FLOW,but, yeah, I mean, it's GOOD.

  8. My first reaction to this story was: is this really a story? Didn't most every one figure this out on their own? Apparently not, since a lot of comments still seem to be in denial about it, saying wwe "worked" us and planned everything. As if wwe never makes mistakes and it would be some great shame if they did. In reality, success in wrestling (and probably life as well) doesn't come down to never making mistakes, its about how well you recover after making those mistakes. I'd say wwe did pretty well with this one.


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