Trump's Dictator-Esque Rhetoric Reaches New Levels At PA Rally

Donald Trump has been stressed out! And nothing soothes his angry soul like speaking to a crowd full of minions & minions of his supporters. Jayar Jackson and Jessica Burbank break it down on The Watchlist. Watch LIVE weekdays at noon ET.

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23 thoughts on “Trump's Dictator-Esque Rhetoric Reaches New Levels At PA Rally”

  1. This sounds like Hitler. I mean, this is positively Bonkers . His support base are a cult, no question about that. I swear that all of his rallies feature many of the same people. They are likely paid actors. And, was it really necessary for him to interject that cheap quip about the "Chy-Nah Virus"? I hate the way he says China, it's so childish and condescending. Trump is so fake he makes canned Velveeta cheese look like fresh cheese from a small village in the Bergamo region of Northern Italy. If you asked the Donald to find the U.S.A. on a map, he probably couldn't do it. Such a patriot.

  2. I don't like weed or fentanyl or etc. I am straight edge. I am such because I have not lost hope completely. I am devoted to spreading the message of democracy and to fighting for a just and equitable society. I couldn't do those things if I was on drugs, why do you think the hippie movement was a failure? They became more concerned about getting high than about stopping tyranny. My mom uses medical marijuana and my brother is homeless due to a fentanyl addiction. My mom got high in the eighties for fun but she got sick of it by the time she was 19 in the year of 1988, so I cannot judge her for the medical marijuana she has only been using for the past 6-8 years of her life. Fentanyl is a demon and I have a lot of not so nice things to say about those who developed it and released it to the market. But, I don't think you have to get high to qualify as a liberal (look at me) nor do you have to be rabidly anti drug to be a conservative (I e those clowns smoking joints in the capitol they stormed). No more hypocrisy and no more labeling and lumping people into groups please, it's just tedious and serves zero purpose. It's a big, diverse world out there and stoner conservatives do exist as do straight edge liberals such as myself. Trump likes people divided so he can conquer more easily. Let's not give into his silly game.

  3. Trump and his Trumplikkkans are lunatics and liers and cowards and traitors and racists and insurectionists and racists and murderers and need to be jailed for all of those criminal actions and witnesses tampering amongst many more things that I didn't mention i.e. espionage, theft of S.C.I. Top Secret documents… It's time for us to put an end to All of them Legally. If Law Enforcement won't do their jobs then we will need to reassess the situation we're in heat in the United States of America.
    This Trumplikkkan Traitorous behavior is something We the People, will no longer ABIDE.

  4. Who cares? Investigations, prosecutions, grand juries… blah blah blah. The criminals are still walking free. We'll all be dead before they are held accountable. We are fucked. No country lasts forever and Garland – who has enough to indite – (not Trump) will be blamed.

  5. Has to bring up fentanyl because his people do that stuff I just hung out with a bunch a Maga folks in Illinois it was really tough the negativity and hatred and I looked up and I thought you guys live with the lobbyist out here.


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