The Mismanagement of Star Wars by the Coward Disney

The press finally calls out Kathleen Kennedy for her bad job handling Star Wars, but is it too late or can Star Wars mount a comeback?
#starwars #disney #movies #wcbs

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34 thoughts on “The Mismanagement of Star Wars by the Coward Disney”

  1. I like a simple life. Lucas made my life happy, and I thank him for that. He departed but the legacy of his work remains in my heart. Corporation can do whatever they want wth the brand and that will not erase or poison his legacy. If material became subpar, I do not care, because it is not his work. If I watch it, I will know I am watching a corporate product.

  2. The worst Star Wars thing to come from Disney: That Sequel Trilogy. S*&est SW Character from the Disney Era: Reva. Holdo is a very close second. And third…I don't think there is a single work around anything of minimal importance I could trust KK with. That woman's credibility has experienced the longest, slowest demise ever.

  3. When the trailer came out for Force Awakens, my whole family got pre-order tickets, and we were so happy to have more SW after so many years. The trailer was great, and the shots of the Falcon actually choked us up a bit. We bought double tickets, so we could watch it twice on opening night. Then we saw it. I recall we were outside of the theatre, asking if any of us wanted to go back in and watch it again. Nope.

    They totally and completely ruined the magic, and they boast and pat each other on the back when we complain about it. They live on the negativity. It is just one more part of our culture that they are actively destroying. They like wrecking it, it makes something that was once good and wholesome into their perverted sandbox of ideology.

    Mando was middling, the rest of it is trash. Luke is awesome, the Jedi are not bums, and Boba died in the pit.

  4. Star Wars and Disney – all roads still lead to Jake Skywalker. That says it all.
    Heroes – the kind of people who run modern media don't have any except themselves. That says it all.

    I sincerely hope it's over for the lot of them bar the death throws. Will their replacements arrive, and be any good?

  5. 1. The fact that Disney has ruined it.
    2. The next character because no matter what they do the next character is always worse than the previous one. If you thought Ray was the worst character no then there was Kylo Ren if you think he’s the worst character. Nope now we have Reva. It always gets worse.
    3. And I think that when Kathleen Kennedy retires, her new job would be making sandals out of hemp or sweaters or shorts.

  6. 1. The worst Star Wars thing was the cultural inception of fanblaming as deflection for awful writing and direction.
    2. The worst Disney Star Wars character is Rey. She's more insufferable than Rose Tico.
    3. Kathleen Kennedy is best fit to work as a janitor that cleans the toilets in a Goodwill.

  7. Disney purchased a money printing machine. All they had to do was respect what came before and consult with the talented EU writers like Miller, Zahn, etc. before they produced content, but nooooo…KK had to completely F it up with her incompetence (no plan) and horrible hiring decisions when it came to the terrible sequel trilogy. Instead of acknowledging their mistakes and course-correcting, they decided to double down and attack the original fans. Star Wars is broken, I'm not sure it can be saved at this point, not while KK is still in charge.

  8. Answer to Question 1 The last Jedi
    Answer to question 2 The purple haired chick from the last Jedi and Rey
    Answer to question 3 KK would be best at cleaning bathrooms and sweeping floors or being a Valet for car parking. NOT Anything to do with films

  9. TitsNArt? WTF is this bullshit? Man… those drawings looked pretty horrible and like something out of the 90s. FFS I'm going to pass on the video because of that horse crap. Seems like every YTer is chasing that Eric July money with comic books and other projects. Honestly surprised no one else is calling this out in the comments? Or maybe they are getting censored?

  10. Disney is like that dysfunctional parents who promise you something then pull it away. I was looking forward to Rogue Squadron and then it get cancelled. Then just over saturate Star Wars with a bunch of side peojects and are stuck in the past. All the new stuff takes place in the Empire Era nothing that takes place after the new trilogy. Because they are regressing and cannot move the franchise forward and are costing on nostalgia. Well that glider will eventually crash into the ground.

  11. The Disney sequels, Solo, Book of Boba, Obi-Wan … are all awful. Mandolorian is good but not great, but one decent series can't salvage the damage Disney has done to their fans, ie: customers.

  12. Under Trashleen Kennedys leadership misandry, a complete lack of vision and direction STAR WARS has become soy wars.
    Neither STAR WARS nor the RAIDERS Franchises can never be saved while Trashleen is still at Lucasfilm pissing on the ashes and laughing as the fans mourning the destruction and passing of something they once loved dearly.

  13. I think George is finally realizing that even with all that money disney gave him, he's still nothing without star wars, just some rich old dude that was famous once upon a time.

  14. 13.29 in. Its the same old truth man!!
    Movies and TV like Star wars or Indiana Jones is a MAN'S domain.
    And we all know that if a women is put in charge of a Man's space!! We know their gonna F@CK IT UP!!
    They have to. Their women!! And if they happen to be Uber F n ists!!
    Then like a ravenous Cancer in an otherwise healthy body!! It's gonna be especially bad and HORRIFIC!!
    Kennedy is the penultimate case in point!!


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