Trains and Pain – Decked Out Testing and Scar Hangout!


24 thoughts on “Trains and Pain – Decked Out Testing and Scar Hangout!”

  1. Tango, I had a question/suggestion (and mind you, I don't know redstone so I'm unsure if this not possible). You mentioned there's not that many ethereal cards, have you consider having ethereal cards guaranteed to be played first? Or maybe cards like chilled step or porkchop power? I understand why you would be against this. Maybe balance it by slight increase in ethereal card cost. However, when watching you play the runs at the end of the stream and you had the chilled step activate at the start, you knew that adding all those sneaks + chilled step into your deck, had you completed the run, would've been worth it. My concern is that with the randomization, what would happen if chilled step gets drawn after all sneaks are exhausted out of the deck? Worse, gets drawn last, after all cards of the deck? Ostensibly, they would acquire the ethereal cards by purchasing them and using their hard-earned crowns. I think it'd be unfair that a card purchased to help make your run better, could potentially be "wasted space" in your deck when hermits have a lot more cards to sort thru in the system. Because if it's not used, it's not really a big deal, but if it's used but gets drawn like after all sneaks have been used or let's say, as your returning with your artifact and are about to get into the shop. I think that having chilled step and porkchop power being played randomly can be potentially detrimental and may discourage a hermit from purchasing the cards if they run into that situation more than once. Just a thought! Love the videos, the effort, the game. All of it.

  2. I can’t believe how bad those editors’ appeals to Scar and Tango are! You can tell they put no thought or soul into them. The idiocy to insult your potential new employer in order to uplift yourself is appalling.

    The key is to appeal to the human element not the supposed increase in editing quality. To imply that is to imply your employer is doing poorly. Instead they ought to appeal to their deeper desires. Someone who can reliably and with little direction relieve the content creator of their editing burden so that they may spend more time doing other more valued tasks, idea generation, prep and grind work, and most importantly give them more time to spend with their families and friends.

    A successful application seeks to relieve burden and reveal new opportunities with the gained time from no longer having to edit their own content.

  3. I think a few hermits have realized the fact that Burn out hits this point in the season and viewers like seeing the interactions so Mini game districts are gonna be a bigger thing moving forward

  4. For fixing the card shuffler, consider making a buffer of cards in a chest. At the beginning of the game, shuffle as always, but instead of taking cards out one at a time to be played, take them all out of the minecarts and put them into a chest. Then, when you want an item, take a single item out of the chest.
    This would fix both the waiting a long time for cards to be played later into the game, and also fix needing a pulse extender or counter when taking cards out.

  5. Fun idea: Since One-Eye'd Willy is extra powerful at night (can track players out of water) what if you drop extra treasure around the lake if it's night out?

    Concern: Is it possible for the shuffler to not be able to find a new card in time to draw it because of this bug? e.g. there are only 3 cards left in the deck, and someone gets the "quick draw" card?

  6. 1:22:08 I totally agree with Pearl… We need to do a Mine/Hermit Con in Australia. We always miss out on things in the south. It's like we don't exist down here.
    There are 1000's watching/Subs you may not have if it doesn't come our way, jk. Think about it. 😆

  7. 2:11:26 Randomizer fix: Is there a way to start pulling cards immediately and not stop while the game is running, in a way that preserves the order without bias or stacking? What about a 40-dropper line that moves each item along once when triggered, and trigger it whenever the hopper gains an item.

    This would be an add-on to the randomizer that could go approximately 20 blocks below it, hopefully not disturbing much of the existing redstone. If it works how I think, it'd add far more than 30 seconds of effective delay unless the player dies immediately … at which point it isn't much help.

    As for during the game, you'd also have to trigger the dropper line as many times as necessary to pull a new card. That could get you into trouble, but it has 30 seconds between cards to queue up the next one.


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