"Toxic Parse Culture Is Ruining Classic WoW"

WoW Classic is being ruined by numbers.

Original Video by Staysafetv https://youtu.be/N4MDfHbTXEI

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35 thoughts on “"Toxic Parse Culture Is Ruining Classic WoW"”

  1. I play demo lock for my raid, Parsing highly isn't really practical at least from my experience, I outdps my entire raid on most fights as demo (affli less geared) and never receive PI or ToT for damage boosts, from what I've seen on logs most of the high parsers are being tunneled buffs and tbh, What the fuck do i care if i get a 60 parse and still top the meters?

  2. Logs are awesome tool, ppl are just stupid, simple so they are just watching the dmg percentage after then they are Done with it. Last week i used to track our healers, becouse of i felt something realy fishy. Warcraftlogs helped me to find how one hpal is sniping the other hpal, just becouse of he wanted to be number one. Many people obssesed with logs are just absolutly sick dicks, useless for any healthy team, raid is about team. I sometimes had absolutly great phrases, even rank 1 worldvide logs, but it was always kinda accidentaly, lucky pull. My gm knew i had not even turned on dmg metter duting progression. Why? Becouse of it was unnecessary and distractive. Of course i was extra happy with over 98% average percentail per tier, but i realy didnt haunted logs, thus i was happy with it even more.

  3. The problem is hyper optimizing andies invaded random groups.
    After playing ff14 for 2 years I found Wrath PF extremely unfun. It's full of impatient, rude, angry and bad people. You'd think classic would be filled with grown ups who know how to communicate with other people, but somehow everyone is a douche and worse than in the original Wrath.
    Hell, even retail Wow has much better people than classic.

  4. Only terrible players get mad at parsing/think parsing is toxic. You are bad at the game. I don't care what you say in your reply to me, I didn't read it. You are playing a 15 year old game and still can't manage to hit something higher than a single digit grey while complaining about how toxic these numbers are. This reflects into your every day life showing you how much of a failure you are. Never forget how bad you are at everything you do as you waste another 12+ hours a day playing a 15 year old game and failing.

  5. Bah, there's always been a minimum of expectation for performance for each class, if your guild is relaxed enough and can down stuff without enrages then whatever, have fun, but if you are determined to be the worst performer in a string of wipes then "sucks to be you" but you are out, because you are making everyone else lose his time.

  6. its the same thing in ff14 people be parsin on progression and its so stupid, when a tier is fresh then yeah you wanna maximize dmg cause enrages are really strict but after that who cares just clear the fucker
    thats why I switch to support cuz i don't give a fuk just gimme my clear

  7. I just like to perform well when playing WoW, be it retail or classic. I don't use my parses or logs to say "I'm better than you" unless it's some snob who thinks they're above the rest boasting their like 95%, who cares. If you want to parse chase go with a like minded group if you don't THERE ARE GUILDS that don't care that much and there are more guilds that don't than do I find them all the time. This is also not an excuse to truly play poorly and expect others to be happy with you, gotta find your people… Ya'll gotta fuckin talk to others. I find there are problem players on both sides and neither are better than the other when talking about super casuals or elitists.

  8. Watching this video I am starting to really understand why FFXIV has banned mods. If you want to minmax/Speedrun or be otherwise competitive in the game, do it privately with premade groups. And don't bother the general population.

  9. Aiming for 99s can be toxic, aiming for good general parses isnt. Saying parsing is bad without understanding this is toxic.

    When you understand parsing, you understand that guild should aim to have generally good parses in the guild runs. This is especially true for melee dps but for overall as well, having all raid buffs and debuffs up for almost 100% of time will improve guild parses overall a lot. Not having sunders/expose on boss, not caring to do x buff etc will affect parses. Having all buffs in raid and having good uptimes with them in turn will improve kill times, which will improve parses as well.

  10. Did Naxx and we had 1 ranged dps who was supposed to get webbed people out on Maexxna. I got webbed and I sat there the entire fight because he wanted to parse. He got a 99 parse and felt real big d*ck but in reality he just didn't do what he was supposed to. The problem with parsing is that not everyone realizes that a 99 log is just as likely to indicate that you're a terrible player as a 50 log would.

  11. Asmond is wrong about GDKP's not producing gold. GDKPs produce DEMAND for gold, which increases gold farming and botting. Basic economics. Not super annoyed by GDKPs but they do effect the economy.

  12. The disturbing rise of fascist mindsets where, "Do what I tell you or you're wrong and must be forced to change or be punished" is indicative of how quickly our society is speeding towards a genocidal event.

  13. The problem is, people get mad at parsing because they can't join, or get booted from raids because they're not up to par. And instead of finding like-minded people, they keep trying to get into parties that want good players, because they know they can get carried

  14. Skill only exist in the upper echelon of the player base. Everyone else just wowheads their min/max build, their rotation, and gear. The game is ass now. The best part of wow was the blissful ignorance and trying to learn the game together. That’s dead. Dare I admit it, but.. sometimes I’d rather play new world which is actually skill shot based. Miss old wow tho :/

  15. I'm a 90 parser, but I make it a point to not judge people…unless I need to call someone out for bringing the rest of the group down. I know how it feels to be judged because I was playing too casually for another player.

  16. So……….
    If I perform bad in a raid and my parsing is horrible for whatever reason, I will never get the chance to improve myself because people will think I am just a terrible player…..

    Parsing culture is not toxic! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  17. If you parse greys in classic, especially as dps, you absolutely suck.
    There's NOTHING toxic about expecting people to perform at an adequate level to advance the goals of the team.

    Cry more.

    By the way, asmons damage parses in classic are literal greys.
    Braindead player.

  18. If you want to parse high, you have to chase the meta. If you don't chase the meta, you don't parse high and people won't play with you. How is that not telling someone else how to play, if the don't want to sweat out over sims, and just want to play the game?

  19. Joined and hosted many pug runs now in P2 Wrath, i think parses is a good way to find ppl to make a good group to be able to handle the HM's in Ulduar. Not fun for anyone if you host a pug with HM's and you can't make it because of some ppl are not good enough. And there is a lot of diffrent runs out there, 25m NM run, 25m few HM's, 25m Full HM + Alga etc.
    So i use Warcraft Logs as a tool, so it's possible to pug HM runs that i enjoy and the ppl that is joining.


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