TNT #130: Stop Raccoons from Destroying your Garden / Corn Field

Link to similar Solar Electric Fence:
Link to fence posts:
Link to trail cam: (used to identify the critters in the video)

Stop those destructive Racoons from tearing up your garden, or in my case corn with a simple to install solar (or powered) electric fence. This is my story.


7 thoughts on “TNT #130: Stop Raccoons from Destroying your Garden / Corn Field”

  1. Seems we have another similar problem besides the trash piles left for us by others. We, too have a raccoon issue. They are right up against our house, digging up plants that they don’t eat, just destroy. Trapping and “other means” have worked to thin the herd so far. They are determined little terrorists. Great idea on the fencing! Always look forward to seeing your new ideas and projects!

  2. I look forward to a follow up video/report. I had intended to plant a acre or so on my flats for the critters. Life took over however. I did manage a very small garden for my granddaughter. The Yanmar and I learned a few things. She will end up needing a fence I’m sure, she does not wish to share with the critters. 5 and 7 acre parcels, so lots of critters. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I too have raccoon problems. I have been growing gardens for 30 + years. I have put up electric netting (which seems to work) but, I lack 20 feet to complete circuit, so I laid down 4 strands of electric wire. (2,4,6, &12"). Nota. They seem to ignore the shock going thru the wire. We are trying liquid (stinky) spray at the 20 feet of wire and they just hold their breath as they pass thru. Some years they ignore the corn but not this year. Money spent on this far exceeds the value of the corn but some years when you have a nice crop, the taste of freshly picked sweet corn makes these problems go away. Good Luck next year!

  4. great video! We did the same thing this year because last year the coons destroyed our entire patch (in town) in one evening. It was nearing harvest and they just obliterated it. We ended up getting 2 years. They really discouraged us. We put in the fence a couple weeks ago as the corn started getting taller. Good luck. i loved seeing the coon get shocked – sweet revenge!


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