This Video DESTROYS the Gap Theory | Ken Ham

This video DESTROYS the gap theory, which is the idea of millions of years fitting into the Bible. In this video, Ken Ham explains numerous major inconsistencies and issues with this popular worldview.

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36 thoughts on “This Video DESTROYS the Gap Theory | Ken Ham”

  1. There are some people who say that mans sin only brought human death not animal death. Thats how they try to get around the death before sin issue. So they say that the animals were already dying before adam sinned

  2. The problem is people like you denying the greatness and grandeur of God by reducing the age of the Earth to 6000 years.
    By denying the trillions of galaxies, denying the age of the moon and the planets, and trying to convince people that it's possible to fossilize deceased living matter in 6000 years, that the Grand Canyon was formed in 6000 years, that the Himalayas and the Swiss alps were formed in 6000 years. This world is ancient, very ancient, and using God's word to formulate a truth that your human brain can understand is wrong and you won't earn any brownie points in heaven by forcing YOUR understanding of creation on others. Not you, not anyone except God himself knows how he did it, why he did it, when he did it and how long it took for him to create everything.
    Don't keep trying to explain what you don't know. Give God the greatness he deserves and stop trying to lean on your own understanding.

  3. the bible is verse 1 to verse 21 because three times of s-even are contained within all the verses. 6 6 6 has s-evens in the light [lie crossed] between where HEAVEN is hidden from us at the 1-6 as two sides in the mind that wed two ways to reach six as love is neither side. Look//GOD {G] was [O] is [D] is two come

  4. [infinity and zero]:


    a number greater than any assignable quantity or countable number (symbol ∞).

    (In counting numbers 0 is the subject where positive integers "1, 2, 3 and 4 etc" are the objects).

    What is the meaning of zero in Webster's dictionary?

    a. : the arithmetical symbol 0 or 0̸ denoting the absence of all magnitude or quantity.

    b. : additive identity. specifically : the number between the set of all negative numbers and the set of all positive numbers.

    Zero is the most important number in mathematics and is both a real and an imaginary number with a horizon through it.

    Zero-dimensional space is the greatest dimension in physics and is both a real and an imaginary dimension with an event horizon through it.


    Isn't⚡God⚡supposed to be outside of space (1D, 2D, 3D) and time (4D)?

    Well, 0D is outside of space and time:

    0D (not-natural) = dimensionless and timeless
    1D, 2D, 3D (natural) = spatial dimensions
    4D (natural) = temporal dimension

    Read Leibniz's Monadology 📖 and consider that the Monad is the zero-dimensional space binding our quarks together with the strong force (it is). The other side of the Monad is Monos (Alone) and this side is Monas (Singularity) and there's an event horizon between them. So El/Elohim or Theos/Logos etc pick your language.


    Quarks are dimensionless (no size) and timeless (not-natural). The two main quark spin configs two-down, one-up (subatomic to neutron) and two-up, one-down (subatomic to proton) could easily be construed as the male (upward facing trinity) and female (downward facing trinity) image that Elohim made us in during Genesis 1.

    Quarks (no spatial extension) experience all 3 fundamental forces plus have a fractional electric charge⚡and that's why protons and neutrons (spatial extension) have electrons orbiting around them.

    In Geometry any new dimension has to contain within it all previous dimensions. This holds true with it being impossible for atomic protons and neutrons (spatial extension) to exist without subatomically containing within themselves quarks (no spatial extension).

    "Something (spatial extension) from Nothing (no spatial extension)".

    A) The postulated soul, 👻, has
    1. no spatial extension
    2. zero size
    3. exact location only

    B) Quarks are mass with no size measured in Megaelectron Volts. Mass with no size is a unique equation in that it has no spatial extension.

    Conclusion: A and B are the same thing. Dimensionless and timeless color-charged electricity just like our greatest conceivable existent.

  5. Amen! I can't see why people want to put all that time in between v1 & v2. It's apparent to me, even when I was 6th or 7th grade that v2 is just re-iterating what v1 just said. Lots of narratives speak this way!

  6. It's a fact that for example it takes millions of years for marine life to die, sink to the seafloor and form petroleum. Since a day is the rotation of the Earth on its axis how could there be days before the Earth was created? Also, a day was far shorter 4.5 billion years ago than it is today. The Earth gradually slows in its rotation. Why would an omnipotent deity need to rest?

  7. God created the sun on the 4th day . The earth couldn’t have had a 24 hour day as we know it before that . A day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day to our creator . We weren’t here so the earth could be millions of years old or just thousands . It doesn’t matter . God is in charge . All things in His time not ours

  8. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the Gospel. That’s what The Apostle Paul preached! We should as well. That’s why our nation is going to hell. Preachers are concerned about everything but the gospel. Satan doesn’t care what we argue and debate about, as long as he can keep our focus from the Gospel. Look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our Faith!

  9. Your points are taken.

    However, I can't find anywhere in the Bible, where God creates something that is formless, without and void and desolate.

    Whenever he creates anything, its always complete and very good.

    Also the Genesis 1:1 line is a statement. that God created the heavens and the earth. You have to acknowledge then that the Earth and the Heavens or Universe were already created.

    Before you get to 1:2. So it doesn't make sense if he has to rebuild everything.

    Also, you have issues with consistency. Why would the Sons of God Shout for Joy over something that is void, formless and desolate?

    The only way that makes sense, is if the Earth was indeed created along with the heavens good and perfect, then it became Void and Desolate and had to be rebuilt again.

    The big hint here is the water. Water in this picture of genesis suggests judgement of some sort. That would be consistent as the Earth became exactly the same as the picture we see there as it did in Noahs Flood, also the result of judgement.

    We also are given hints of a time, before man…at this same place in Jeremiah.

    The prophet Jermiah was literally allowed to see the whole earth as it was after Judgement I believe, in the same condition, quite probably the same event. This would make sense as because it specifically states that the judgement did not completely destroy the earth.

    This is all very consistent and you can arrive at these conclusions without the help of mans influence of trying to wedge millions of years into the bible anywhere.

  10. Ken is right. The bible didnt mean a million years. If it meant a million years it would have said a million years. But the people who wrote the bible didnt have the foggiest idea how old the Earth is. It would have been impressive if they did, but instead, just wrong again.

  11. It works if we realize that god had different values for time and numbers😂 than we do now. Each biblical day was approximately equal to 1,826-2,740 years in today's time. The Bible, being the word of the Lord, is perfect and therefore never wrong. We just have to find how to how to make it work to be true.
    Problem solved.😂

  12. "This video DESTROYS the gap theory"…
    The only thing this video destroys is Ken Ham's credibility as an intelligent human being.
    The "myriad of atheism" he speaks of… you mean geologists who study, who carbon date, who investigate, who present and test theories until they are proven to be true with testing until results are achieved?
    People like him should not be allowed anywhere near a position of importance that required anyone in sane society to hear him.

  13. Nature is cruel and unjust and to quote Stephen Fry child bone cancer is cruel and unjust sorry Ken but No actual slam dunk evidence for the existence of a personal loving God in fact everything points to the exact opposite the atheist victory however is everyone's defeat unfortunately because the delusion of immortality is taken away question Ken which I posed to John Lennox when has the advancements of science throughout human history ever been spread with the sword?

  14. Let me blow your mind. My dad told me this. If God can make Adam, as a young man. Mostly grown up. Could he not make an earth look millions of years old? Just saying. God's power is limitless. Don't get me wrong, I do think the earth is young, but in all of this what matters is Jesus died for us, God sent him, Jesus was raised, we receive him as our savior, we repent of our sins, and obey him. Then we shall have eternal life. (We won't have eternal life based on if the earth is old or new.) However don't be deceived and think God doesn't exist because someone thinks we came from monkeys and the earth is old.

  15. I reconcile science and faith, in part, like this. For God a day is like a thousand years…we do not know God's timescale. Also, the order of creation given in Genesis lines up with the evolution of ever more complex organisms on earth.

    Remember, we infer what cannot be seen from what can be seen. It is incumbent on Christians to read the book of creation to better understand the working of God's creation. As Jesus is the truth, we had better work to know truth.

    Where scripture and science conflict, it is our understanding of scripture, not scripture itself, that is incorrect and needs amendment. In much the same way, when the best possible scientific understanding is proven incorrect, that understanding gives way to a better interpretation of nature.

    There is no conflict between science and faith.


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