This Achievement in Bioshock Infinite is Absolutely DREADFUL

Today watch me as I go for the most difficult achievement in the Bioshock series! Did Ken do a good job creating this achievement? Well no, but how bad it was has to be seen to be believed.

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Bioshock is an amazing game for many reasons. For one, it has the word “shock” in it. Shocking someone has to do with electricity, which is inherently very cool. The next thing is that we always have a girl following us around, so our rizz must be out of control. Finally our character’s name is Booker, which is just like shooting guard Devin Booker of the Pheonix Suns basketball team. Thank you for coming to my presentation.


42 thoughts on “This Achievement in Bioshock Infinite is Absolutely DREADFUL”

  1. O man this is the only achievement I didn't in infinite. And I did deadspace 2 hardcore run. I looked at content at the time to help me and I just said to myself "F it" that isn't worth my sanity

  2. This trophy actually glitched for me in the best possible way. I was just attempting the blue ribbon challenges and I was still in the middle of getting all of them when it just popped on its own for no reason. It was an unexpected surprise but a welcome one. Really happy I didn’t need to crawl through that whole nightmare.

  3. I got this achievement in December of 2016 and haven't played the game since then.

    When you mentioned the pentakill with Devil's Kiss… oh god the flashbacks make it stop no please no not again

  4. Seriously? If you think a trophy of any bioshock game dealing with completeness is hard then you lose all credit as a gamer. There is NO FAIL STATE in any bioshock game. If you die you come back with full health with mana and ammo. All you need is a ton of time and patience and you can complete any bioshock game on the hardest difficulty on your first play through

  5. Im doing a 100% all bioshock achievement run…. I just finished bioshock remastered to find out the game resets to medium when it crashes (which was fairly often😢)…. Theres an end game work around but like u said its burning that lil hole in the ole noggin… i still got no vita chamber run and all of bioshock 2 to go… Aaand the clash achievements since i started with infinite. Maybe this will give me the push i needed… hopefully not. 😂

  6. I've done this achievement three times. XBox 360, XBox One Remaster / Rerelease, and Playstation. I have no streaming or YT channel. I don't even have friends on my list who can see my achievements (and most wouldn't give two flips if they could). I don't know what's wrong with me. It's one of the reasons I had to push myself to play only what I enjoyed and ignore the achievements / trophies. (I'd actually spend tons of time playing games I did not like or even hated just because I needed to finish the 1000G after the game showing up on my list at all.) I'm doing better, but the lure is still there, especially for the games I enjoy / love (like the Bioshock games).

    Nevertheless, grats on this. It's a pain (a more enjoyable pain than some games out there, but still a pain). Good vid.

  7. In all honesty people complaining about these kind of achievements increases and reinforces the ideology that people should get trophies for everything snd anything without a challenge at all. Achievements used to encourage people to play the game. Now if the game is buggy then that's within reason to complain cuz it makes it impossible to get. Nowadays you get achievements for anything like walking outside.

  8. I am gonna love this when I get back around to Bioshock. The most tedious completion I have found as of late is getting through The Last Of Us multiplayer to complete both the Firefly and Hunter journeys, respectively. 168 multiplayer matches, each last about 10-20 minutes each…most tedious thing in gaming that I have done recently

  9. Have you tried the game Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption?
    It's a challenging souls-like boss rush game that has lots of zero percent achievements.
    Would be awesome to see you tackle this underated game, imo…👍

  10. nice made it stupid difficult now to 100% complete i refuse to play it again for the new achievement, DOOM E T.A.G 1&2 on UltraNightmare was less tedious then this incredibly buggy shit

  11. I don't know what compelled me to 100% Bioshock Infinite in the first place yet I had a damn good time getting there. I too failed my 3rd grade teacher and did burial at sea not on 1998 mode only after completing it.

    Throughly enjoyed this video!

  12. 1% of players found this enjoyable
    Boomers: "But that's just how stocks do, they get really low, and then they go up really high again!"


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