Shadow Word: Podcast – EP02 – Issues and How To Fix Them (feat. Ryeshot, Saeldur, & Jereico)

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0:00 Intro
1:40 Pre-patch reactions
9:04 Tuning Changes
10:36 Insanity & Feel
16:05 Idol of N’Zoth
18:07 Shadow Priest AoE
23:00 Void Eruption and Dark Ascension
27:30 Mind Sear
34:00 Affliction Warlock Comparison
37:27 Procs and RPPM
39:50 Spiteful Apparitions
45:30 Future Changes to the Spec
50:25 Voidform Improvements
54:50 Spiteful Apparition based Talents
56:24 Shadow Crash & DoTs
1:04:21 Dragonflight Dev Cycle
1:14:45 The Community’s Role in Feedback
1:18:37 Going Forward into Dragonflight

—————–Guest Info—————–

Music provided by Monstercat
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39 thoughts on “Shadow Word: Podcast – EP02 – Issues and How To Fix Them (feat. Ryeshot, Saeldur, & Jereico)”

  1. Awesome to listen and watch, really enjoyed all the perspectives. Shadow needs lots of love and care. I cant even log onto the prepatch right now as its so painful to log on and see it =(

  2. I like the overall tone of this podcast more than the first. It felt more constructive and borderline hopeful. We've given up on significant design changes of talents and the tree overall but at this point we can at least expect a little more clear direction. Thanks for all the work you guys do on our behalf; we are lucky as a community to have you on our side.

  3. The design decisions just dont make sense. Yogg was supposed to be a cleave/funnel talent and they changed it so yogg spawns at the same time in ST, cleave, and AOE. Nzoth is supposed to be AOE but is capped at 4 targets. ST insanity was too high so they nerfed ALL insanity. Its very clear the either dont play the game or dont understand how the game actually works. Simple changes would make the spec so much better

  4. …we dont have a champion to our class – "I don't know how to resolve it..?" :: Easy. Reroll Aff lock if u like Shadow. As a shadow main since Sunwell, its common practice… when they bone us, go Affliction- it solves everything u hate about shadow, then come back at the end of an expansion as shadow finally smooths out before they reroll it all over again.

  5. I have IDEA! What if you get rid of the insanity build up style and do cool down style. You put on "devouring plague" on the target and the other abilitys increases the damage.

    I thought of it and had to say it. Seems more flexible and fun rework. 😄

  6. I do not like Mind Sear as a spender at all. I would prefer if it went back to a generator and also worked with the Mind Flay: Insanity talent which would just change Mind Sear into Insanity like it did around MoP-WoD to do more damage. I also prefer the pre-BFA way we generated Apparitions from DoTs instead of only getting them from pressing MB or DP. I personally prefer Shadow Orbs to Insanity but it is effectively the same thing now, so in that sense I'd prefer if they just got rid of void form.

    Alternatively, they could make Mind Sear a generator again, and bring back Searing Nightmare but change the functionality to the current way that the new Mind Sear works. It just costs insanity to use, drains the whole bar and does a lot of damage, as a separate button that does not require us to be channeling Mind Sear. That way we have 2 AoE buttons, an AoE generator and also an AoE spender. Boom.

  7. I LOVE shadow solely on the shadowy apparitions. The visual effects of that ability is so unique and amazing looking. Really really sad to watch them just beat the damage into the ground and absolutely pee in a cup and pour it on the head of every apparition spawned damage wise and lack of satisfaction of playing the spec well and spawning tons of them

  8. a big issue, that I atleast feel a change is the speed of the apparitions.

    when you get a 10 pack dotted and spam out (what feels like) 100 ghosts that dont even get to their target before it dies feels shit imo.

    if apparitions gave a bit more insanity and had a much quicker travel time it would feel much better to play in M+.

    now it kinda feels like shit

  9. Biggest issue regarding m+ is missing Utility. I mean yes we got PI now and massdispell. But These wont give you invites especially when holy/disc is meta. I'd love to See a talentable cr or some Talent that makes mindsoothe also remove rage Effects or something.

  10. Done with sp…it was incredibly fun in Legion, tolerable in BfA, and annoying in SL…DF feels like yet another step down. This talent tree really has killed off pretty much all interest I had in DF unfortunately

  11. Really like the comentary but I dont understand why is everyone so fixed on the point that there cant be any major changes – in both mists of pandaria and warlords of draenor they did a very major change to shadow – in both instances changing the spec on its head to start working

  12. Maybe a cool mechanic change for sear could be it burns all your insanity, but puts a searing mechanic on the target, but it is a cast instead of a channel. Right now it feels so abrupt when it's done and I'm like what do I do now?

  13. To be honest, I would have probably picked my shadow priest back up for DF if the first tree was just changed instead of canned but the build your own shadow priest actually feels worse to play compared to the first tree despite the pathing problems.

  14. i am extremely disappointed and unhappy with the state of shadow. ive stuck with the spec since tbc through every one of the 3984 iterations it has gone through and managed to adapt. but this time nothing makes sense and makes me seriously think about switching my main off priest for the first time since i started playing wow.

  15. First time I played shadow was back when shadow orbs was a thing and had fun. I picked it up again in the pre patch and have been having so much fun with it. I love to manage multiple things and one of the few things to make me like it more is to have the damage match the effort I feel like I'm putting in. Wanted a ranged class that could heal so it was either Shadow or Elemental, I feel good about my pick.

  16. Its cool but hard to digest at the same time that the leaders of our shadow community are all Legion forward only. Most of shadows history is pre-legion. Arguably from MOST of us who played shadow pre-legion, shadow was far better class. It was less "themed parked" I would say. Insanity defintly was a massive shake up for all shadow priest in legion. Honestly it was fun for one expansion and then myself and most of the people I know wanted to go back to devouring plague and shadow orbs. It just took them 3 expansions to finally get back to that now… However this implementation of it is close but its off. somthing still isnt right.

  17. I haven't watched the whole thing yet, I'm at the mind sear talk portion but I think it would be cool if they made mind sear like penance where it can be cast while moving

  18. Thank you guys so much! keep speaking out so blizzard can hear. I've been maining spriest for 5 years now and I'd like to continue that, but right now I dont like the state of it 🙁


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