Thief Unleashes HELL While Trying to Steal a Deadly Virus From a Research Lab

An elite military task force is sent to a company building to contain the outbreak of a mysterious virus that transforms both people and animals into zombies.

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45 thoughts on “Thief Unleashes HELL While Trying to Steal a Deadly Virus From a Research Lab”

  1. You should watch the whole movie. It was very well done, and it is still one of my favorite movies to this day. There are also 5 sequels that also are very good. I highly recommend.

  2. All these tough women movies are destroying the world. Women can't beat up men and they're not killer sharp shooters. Women need a man in their lives for survival. It's not an option. All women need a man

  3. You know what is the best thing of all these RE-movies? The beginning and ending scenes. Great music, some inventive editing and interesting premises. I will always remember the ending of RE 1. Along with the OST from Marilyn Manson and Marco Beltrami.

  4. In this movie, the thief was the primary antagonist who intentionally breaks the virus not accidentally…it was a part of the Umbrella corp to become the most powerful to rule over the globe, but turns out violent to be imagined

  5. i remember seeing it a year later it came out… today i watched them all, 1 2 3 & 6 are the best for me, 5 was like ok i think and the 4 was trying to go back to the game roots… tacky…

  6. "Alright so we just got a call that a bunch of people died because of a deadly gas….. so we are gonna go investigate it with absolutely no protection against any gas, 10/10 idea!"


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