The Queen’s Passing, The EU’s Energy Crisis, and J Law’s Tucker Carlson Nightmares

Hey guys! Happy Friday! Today, I’m joined by my buddies Andrew and Lewis. We’ll be talking about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and how many have taken to the Internet to give their condolences while others have shared hateful messages about the queen and her legacy. On top of that, we’ll be discussing Europe’s energy crisis and a recent interview of Jennifer Lawrence published in Vogue magazine where she talks about family politics and Tucker Carlson nightmares.

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37 thoughts on “The Queen’s Passing, The EU’s Energy Crisis, and J Law’s Tucker Carlson Nightmares”

  1. Well the people who are watching Tucker are NOT watching Hollywood as sure as heck not JLawrence.
    So in order for JLaw to get the next acting gig and keep sheeple watching, she has to say such 💩.
    Hollywood could sink into the ocean and millions of TRUE AMERICANS would not care. Hollywood is desperate. Look at Disney and the gross products out there like She-Hulk. It’s going to be an epic fail…..I dig it!😆😆😆😆
    Great content Amala and crew.

  2. I think you guys are looking at the new EU energy announcement from an american point of view (or even british since they left for a reason)

    Here many people disagree with the governments/EU and think many decisions dont make sense, however, most dont make a huge fuss about it. We dont think our freedom is being taken away or that they are out to get us, we just disagree and complain. That is how they stay in office.

  3. Both my parents are "boomers". By which I mean they were born out of the baby boomer generation. A generation that in my opinion is extremely selfish. Both my parents are direct reflection of that. My mother not quite as bad as my father only in the sense that she does not see fit to break the law for the sake of her comfort. And at the end of the day she is more susceptible to finally doing what is right. Contrast to my father who will take his selfishness to his grave.

  4. It makes sense to me that the Democratic party Once upon a Time was called The Federalist Party. It's supporters do not want any responsibility whatsoever and they want the federal government to make the decisions about life and everything.

  5. I have no sympathies for ANY monarchy/aristocracy and I don't agree with the "it's too soon" mantra, as her death didn't cancel out all the problems tied to the royals. That said, it's disgusting wishing other people death or suffering. In my country there's a saying: "going to the wrong side" (more or less, in English). Rightfully accusing of well known facts it's ok, but doing that while wishing terrible stuff doesn't make those people any better then the ones they're accusing. In fact, makes them go to the wrong side.

  6. In my opinion, Europe is in this situation not because of the sanctions on Russia, which are just and normal when there's a war, but because of the mistrust towards the cleanest energy possible: nuclear power plants. If we had enough nuclear energy, we could sustain ourselves mostly on that (as houses can be heated through electricity), but unfortunately that's not the case. In Europe we rely way too much on imported energy of any kind. Way too much.

  7. A bit of missing info: a lot of right and far-right parties in Europe, like in the USA, have been financed by Putin. Getting in bed with the enemy cannot be the alternative to harsh sanctions. We can have a talk about sanctions, which I'm personally in favour of, but we need to all to have "clean hands". I welcome different opinions, but not from corrupt politicians.

  8. the structure of British government, with the office of PM being a popularity contest among the "cool kids", does NOT allow the electorate to truly direct the future of the country – it's custom made for subversion by the WEF. It's already taken over Canada as well

  9. My family is mostly far-right. In general, leaning towards any kind of extremism is never good…in Italy, being far right is even worse. I learned to accept them as they are, because they have the right to think how they wish, but I also have the right of disagreeing and I do so. Luckily, the new generations of my family are more moderate.

  10. Republicanism in the UK polls even worse than Biden , it usually floats around the 15% -20% mark , the mood is sombre apart from the leftist fringe on social media who will be up in arms showing their intolerance towards something else in a few weeks . Long live the King .

  11. The amazing woman that is Queen Elizabeth 2 at the age of 96 years left us after giving the country the longest service than any other British monarch. She will be missed and much loved.

    We should not let this distract us from the difficulties we the people are forced to endure by some very dirty players least is not Klaus Swabb.

    I have respect for our now passed Queen, but I sadly can not say the same for this man who I am asked to call my king.

  12. Just the fact
    That she never answered
    For those Canadian Indian Children,
    And still the programmers stay silent, sadly, Yourself included.
    When a group chooses Against speaking against abusing children, we unsubscribe and ignore.

  13. flattening the curve on energy is only because PGE is a scam company that won't offer reasonable service because paying fines once a year is cheaper. There are only 3 options for the passing of the great queen Elizabeth. 1. the monarchy will be upheld. 2. the monarchy will dissolve. 3. the monarchy will be left behind as an afterthought and will eventually be forgotten over the next few years. The best estimates say the monarchy only has a 33% chance. Look at all the factors.

  14. COVID was a joke in comparison to the current crisis. I'm from Germany and tbh – nothing changed during the lockdowns. Even if your shop was forced to close – government was paying salaries of all employees & paid out emergency aids. *Cash assets of the German population climbed to a record high of 7.5 trillion € in q4/2021*. Even if bars were closed and petrol stations weren't allowed to sell alcohol anymore (what was honestly a great idea besides COVID), you just kept on working and saved more & more money. But what's happening now is just a huge scandal. Our economies are destroyed on purpose just because of the fanatic and lunatic obsession and hate against Russia. Did s/o ever sanction the USA because of the totally stupid and senseless wars in Afghanistan, Iraq & Syria?! I don't think so, because it just doesn't matter to green ideologists & Leftists. But now they have the perfect opportunity to let loose of their deeply rooted hatred against Russia that climaxed in two world wars in the past 100 years. I really do hope someone is stopping this madness.

  15. I won't even look at twitter right now due to the disrespect I've seen against the Late Queen and our new King.

    There is a mixed reaction to her passing. A lot of us are absolutely devastated, some respect the family for what they're dealing with and others who couldn't give two tosses.

    I am not a royalist but I had alot of love for the Queen. Even my father (66 years old) hasn't ever lived without the Queen being the state head. For many of us, we knew it was coming but it is still a massive shock for us.

  16. I just don’t know why her death has to spark the anti monarch brigade. Debate the monarch at any other time but she has died and she is human above all else and deserves respect.
    I just think moments like this really shows how low humanity has stooped to.

  17. Love Your channel, would You consider bringing Luke from we are change on the show? I do content too and agree Luke Is hitting the nail on the head and I would love to hear a conversation on some of the subjects He covers on a daily basis. If not I'm always available to talk about the uniparty/2 party illusion & how the tables are rigged by secret societies & eugenicist bloodline families so they can own & control all aspects of society. #Wef #CladeX #Event201 #RockefellerLockstep

  18. hello amala and how your day going and have you thought about live streaming on twitch and starting your own podcast and starting your own vlog channel on youtube and starting your own discord account and starting your own patreon account or onlyfans account in the future


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